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Dedicated Member
Jan 24, 2014
Hello Everyone! So, as some of you guys know I am in High School.
I thought I would share some tips with you about school, middle school, high school, etc. These tricks will help you with your grades, friend issues, and simply just helping you get your way around halls.

-Middle school is the awkward years, but seriously- take my advise here. Wear what you want to wear, as long as you're comfortable, you shouldn't give a fart what people will think of you.
-Do your homework! I cannot stress enough on how important that is. It'll only take a couple hours right when you get home. Trust me, it get's worse in high school, but if you start practicing now, high school will be a million times easier.
-Don't let people talk crap about you, you don't deserve that. Stick up for yourself. Most likely if you tell them to stop very seriously and forcefully they'll stop.
-Get on your teachers good sides. They will most likely give you better grades if you're positive and friendly to them. That means you must do your homework!!
-Yes, last year you wore what you want, but these years you should start dressing up. These 4 years are probably the years you'll have lots of boyfriends/girlfriends and you'll never get one if you look like a bruised mashed potato everyday!!
-Skipping one class won't affect your grade. Don't take advantage of that though...
-Be careful with drugs and alcohol. It's so easily accessible in High School, but it will affect your grades and if you get caught smoking a joint, you'll get suspended or expelled. Don't risk it.
-GET GOOD GRADES. Do good quality homework, study for tests, these grades are what colleges look for!!
-Participate in lots of extra curricular activities, you could do theater, sports, or just volunteer at your library and clean up a bit! It's a great way to get your name out there for colleges.
-Take notes during class! If notes are optional, take them!!

That's all I can think of, if you have any more, comment them below!


Dedicated Member
May 23, 2014
Potato Heaven
Few more things:
Be prepared to see a lot of smoking kids, etc, not just drugs. Dont go with those kids, they're destined to work a life in the slums or behind a counter at McDonald's working for their life. Be careful when walking into bathrooms.
That is where most kids go when the teachers are not there: if you see the bad kids (you know who I mean) walk into it, go somewhere. Even if they have Ecigarettes or vapor or whatever, its no better, still worse. If you walk into a sotuation like that, just breeze it off and act as if you dont care so nothing Movie-like happens when they come afger you o.o

Oh, and for other smart kids caring about grades and their future: Ask if there are any Honors credit options in a class. Sometimes for Orchestra, or art classes, etc. There is an option that allows you to get Honors credit for the course, which will help towards your class ranking, A LOT. It involves a little extra work/assignments but it makes all the difference.


Dedicated Member
May 23, 2014
Potato Heaven
And for those thinking about college early on: Aim to have a high class ranking. Many top level colleges like Harvard, Yale, Stanford, they really care mostly/a lot on your ranking in your class, not your grades, because you could "be a big fish living in a small pond." Your school is NOT good nationally, and if you get 96s, 99s, etc, it does not mean a lot. What does matter is if you can say, "I was number 1 in our class." Push for valedictorian, or salutditorian. They will really wow and impress the colleges,

And to find how to GET high rankings, ask your guidance counselor about whether or not your schoolhas a weighted OR unweighted GPA. For example, my school is unweighted, so I just needed to take a lot of hard courses and perform generally well to get a lot of QPA points to earn a hogher ranking, where honors credit comes in handy.
(GPA = Grade Point Average, your actual grade (96,100, etc.)
(QPA = Quality Point Average, the difficulty of your course, i.e. Honors courses give you more QPA pts than a Regents/General course)

Most importantly, plan ahead. But dont stress, do sports, etc, gaming, etc, and have fun also.
Outta time, so...bai and hope this helped!


Forum Expert
Feb 24, 2014
on an adventure
*Activate inspurashunal Cali mode*

-Do your homework! I cannot stress enough on how important that is. It'll only take a couple hours right when you get home. Trust me, it get's worse in high school, but if you start practicing now, high school will be a million times easier.

Just a reminder that your mental health / mental stability comes before anything exam, test, essay, or speech, etc even if the school system disagrees / is against that in a non-direct way. :) The school system can be screwed up sometimes. High school may be a million times easier if you have good grades and understand concepts, but high school will also be a trillion times easier if you are happy and well, which contradicts to getting good grades easier.

-Yes, last year you wore what you want, but these years you should start dressing up. These 4 years are probably the years you'll have lots of boyfriends/girlfriends and you'll never get one if you look like a bruised mashed potato everyday!!

Gonna have to say, I strongly disagree with this one. Dressing up is definitely personal preference, I find the term "Dress up cause you don't want to look like a bruised potato, you'll never get a boyfriend / girlfriend if you don't!! " kind of stupid.. there really isn't any need to do that if you don't find it necessary.. I mean sure personal hygiene is one thing but if a person likes you, they like you. You should never have to change yourself for them because if you do, it's really a waste of time & they're not worth doing for, trust me. But by all means, do whatever makes you happy & do youuuu . So many people [ myself included when I started high-school ] seem to think the goal of high school is to have lots of girlfriends/boyfriends and be popular. You should dress to impress yourself and only yourself. If you only strive to impress others, you'll find yourself disappointed, trust me. If looking like a bruised mashed potato is what makes you comfortable and happy, then so be it. If you wanna dress up to the nines, go 4 it. At the end of the day, highschool is about making the most of it and making memories, not throwing yourself into a relationship every 2 weeks / trying to be popular. School is hell, might as well make the most of it. Strut it either way, & love yourself before you let others love ya.

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