Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dec 28, 2017
Hola, estoy baneado del servidor injustamente, no he entrado nunca desde que compre mi cuenta en mayo y cuando quiero apelar mi prohibición dice que no tengo nada que apelar, pongo mis viejos apodos y dice lo mismo, compré la cuenta por Twitter, pero no sabía que estaba baneada aca, ahora es de mi dominio total, me gustaría que me desbanearan ya que no he usado hacks en su servidor, y no los usare, soy staff en un servidor y sé cuán tedioso es ver hackers, gracias. Y pido porfavor mi desbaneo.


Senior Moderator
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
May 2, 2016
Hello, I'm unfairly banned from the server, I have never entered since I bought my account in May and when I want to appeal my prohibition says that I have nothing to appeal, I put my old nicknames and says the same, I bought the account on Twitter, but not I knew that I was banned here, now it's my total domain, I would like to be unbalanced since I have not used hacks on your server, and I will not use them, I'm a server and I know how tedious it is to see hackers, thanks. And I ask for my unbalance. (For English speakers)

Hallo, ik ben onterecht verbannen van de server, ik ben nog nooit binnengekomen sinds ik mijn account kocht in mei en als ik in beroep wil gaan tegen mijn verbod zegt dat ik niets hoef aan te spreken, ik heb mijn oude bijnamen gezet en zegt hetzelfde, ik heb het account op Twitter gekocht, maar niet Ik wist dat ik hier verbannen was, nu is het mijn totale domein, ik zou graag uit balans raken omdat ik geen hacks op je server heb gebruikt, en ik zal ze niet gebruiken, ik ben een serverserver en ik weet hoe vervelend het is om hackers te zien, bedankt. En ik vraag om mijn onbalans. (Voor Nederlandse sprekers)
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Dec 28, 2017
I've already tried it and he tells me that I can't appeal, as I said this account wasn't mine, but now I have his total domain, you can check ip's to see that they don't match and that it wasn't me who was banned, I would appreciate it very much.

Deleted member 352903

Unfortunately, what iLoveYouu says on the punishment is final. If he says you can no longer appeal, I'm afraid you can't appeal anymore. :(
Ugh I hate hackers (I know this guy wasn't hacking (as he said)) but maybe sould have a 2nd opportunity. Once they have been perm banned, I am sure that they won't hack anymore. Imagine that this guy gets his unban. 2 options:
-He will hack again. Then someone will report him or sentinel will ban him. Then yes, no more opportunities.
-He won't use hacks. He will understand the lesson and we will have another player on the server :)
I would like the 2nd opportunity of the hacker that has been perm banned. (Yes, I know he has been already banned 2 times or 3, but this isn't enough).


Dec 28, 2017
But I haven't used hacks, could you check ip that don't match, please, I'm staff on a server and I know how tedious it is to see hackers, but I haven't been. I can't even buy a unban because there isn't one. Oh, please.
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