Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Jun 15, 2017
So guys today i got banned at Feb 22, 2019 8:52:43 AM
I went straight away to https://appeals.cubecraft.net To appeal my ban
I made everything right till it asked for the appeal code so I typed it and kept trying capitals smalls and everything it is not working says incorrect appeal code how can i solve this problem!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2016
Please make sure you are putting the appeal code when the ban screen comes up. You could've put the ERROR code, when a "disallowed connection" screen came up. Appeal codes are 4 digits.

Read this for more information, if it is an error code: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/disallowed-and-invalid-connections.215578/

If it is a ban appeal code then it should work, if this continues contact a staff member. Don't share your code with anyone.
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Dedicated Member
Jul 22, 2016
United States
So guys today i got banned at Feb 22, 2019 8:52:43 AM
I went straight away to https://appeals.cubecraft.net To appeal my ban
I made everything right till it asked for the appeal code so I typed it and kept trying capitals smalls and everything it is not working says incorrect appeal code how can i solve this problem!

Primero que nada usted tiene que dirijirse a esta pagina: https://appeals.cubecraft.net/ para apelar su prohibicion, luego en la pantalla principal al momento de tratar de ingresar al servidor, en su prohibicion mostrara un mensaje de su castigo, y sea por el Anti-cheat o probablemente por un miembro del staff. En este caso ambos tienen un numero de apelacion de 4 digitos (numeros) mostrados abajo, llamado: (Appeal Code) por favor estar seguro de ingresar esos cuatro digistos que muestra en la pantalla, e incie su apelacion de su castigo, estoy seguro de que seran numeros y no letras. El codigo de apelacion no tiene nada relacionado con una *Conexion Perdida* ya que eso seria otro problema que el sistema ha sido bloqueado temporalmente por medidas de seguridad de Conexion, que es mostrado en este hilo: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/disallowed-and-invalid-connections.215578/ hay una seccion en (Espanol) para que pueda entender mejor el problema. Al momento de que esto desapareza probablemente usted estara obteniendo el codigo de apelacion, con el mensaje de Sentinel y podra apelar, esto puede tomar horas, dias, dependiendo que clase de conexion sea.


Mar 9, 2020
hi i am kicked from cubecraft for no reason its says do you have vpn i and don't even know what a vpn thingy is
can anyone help me please cause i don't even know what a vpn is
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heya, if you're reading this, i just wanna let you know that if i ever win a giveaway that i participated, please reroll. i won't be logging onto cubecraft again therefore i won't even be able to use the prize that was gifted to me and you'd only flush your money down the drain.

good luck to those who participated in said giveaways
Kazwa wrote on Simply's profile.
happy birthday! 🎉
UncleSpect wrote on Basketman's profile.

ur signature o: maybe new helper 😁👀
UncleSpect wrote on matcha's profile.
Do you only come here once a month? 😣
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