Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Light the TNT - This is just of game of who happens to spawn next to the TNT and light it first. Not much skill involved.
There is one in all the pop-outs in normal mode
In hard mode it is hard you can’t complain that much
Hatch the eggs - This game is 100% luck based as you cant increase your egg throwing faster than just holding the right mouse button down. 0% skill involved
I am not 100% sure but ever since hearing the advice it seems to help me in that microgame
Try hitting other chickens that are hatched with your eggs appearently the microgame works where if you do that you have higher chances of hatching, I don’t know but ever since I tried it seems to have greatly increased my win rate on the game
Avoid the explosions - The fact these explosions are random means that you have no way of avoiding them unless you happen to be near the right place
I believe I have only lost this game once before and that was my first time playing it after it was added so I didn’t exactly know how it completely worked, strategy in this game Is just go to the edge and make sure no TNT is right next to you by the edge
You always have enough time to make it to the edge even if you are in the middle of the map
Cross the balance beam - The arrows shoot randomly so unless you are lucky enough to not get hit you cant win. Avoiding the arrows is not a valid option for this
It isn’t like the arrows are shot so fast or hard to dodge
They are pretty scattered in both shot times and in shot area
Lava blocks - This game is mostly just a competition to see if you are lucky enough to not have the blocks under you fall at the moment you touch them. There is some skill involved which makes this game mot as luck based as the others
i think I have only lost this game once or twice because I panicked
It really is an easy game even in hard mode just look where there are yellow blocks near you after lava I see appearing
Get on those blocks and just shift so you are on as many as possible
Even works in hard mode
Hedge maze - This game is just luck if you find the gold block or not. The only skill you need for this is to be fast at looking. Not much skill involved
Yes mostly luck but also a bit of navigation know-how


Novice Member
Mar 18, 2018
What about the sheep shearing? You wouldn't think it's luck based, but if you happen to run into another players sheared sheep trail, then you can't reach the other sheep in time. And the zombie nugget one, it's just whether you spawned on the outside, and even if you manage to kill some zombies half the time someone else is going to pick up the nuggets. The only time I won was because I wound up stealing nuggets from 5 different people.


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
What about the sheep shearing? You wouldn't think it's luck based, but if you happen to run into another players sheared sheep trail, then you can't reach the other sheep in time. And the zombie nugget one, it's just whether you spawned on the outside, and even if you manage to kill some zombies half the time someone else is going to pick up the nuggets. The only time I won was because I wound up stealing nuggets from 5 different people.
How Is sheep shearing luck based
You can’t shear sheep people have sheared kind of obvious
Just look around for now non-sheared sheep it isn’t something hard to do
Not to mention in the first few seconds of the game unless you aren’t trying you get an extra 6 sheep that spawn right where you’re cursor is already pointing

Kill zombies usually the winners rest he ones who kill 3 zombies out of they crowd
Zombies is just strategy
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Novice Member
Mar 18, 2018
How Is sheep shearing luck based
You can’t shear sheep people have sheared kind of obvious
Just look around for now non-sheared sheep it isn’t something hard to do
Not to mention in the first few seconds of the game unless you aren’t trying you get an extra 6 sheep that spawn right where you’re cursor is already pointing
It's getting that last 4-2 that's the problem. It's not just finding the unsheared sheep, it's getting to them through the crowd of sheared sheep.
Kill zombies usually the winners rest he ones who kill 3 zombies out of they crowd
Zombies is just strategy
Never noticed that, I'll try that next time.


Novice Member
Mar 18, 2018
I am not saying I always win that game
No I always lose it
But it isn’t luck is what I am saying
Well, I guess it just depends on what you think of luck. It certainly does take some skill and speed, but that doesn't mean the situation can't just prevent you from winning.
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Heya, after a good while years having not appreciated sleep a lot, have I learned things. I have most of the times seen it as a hindrance to things such as relations and projects. But after years I realised that you need to sleep to be well. Both physically and mentally. When I also realized that I could work better and more efficiently, did I try to get more sleep. That reminds me, I need to sleep now hah XD
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Mr Jii Gamer wrote on Egg🥚's profile.
Thank you so mush for everything

I know i am late bc i didn't realize that you have left the team sadly we see the better one go ..
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