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Would you like to see this getting added

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Deleted member 377664

Hello everyone!

So my friend punished someone for trolling, they trapped us in and with obsidian around the villager so we couldn't get out, after that my friend Siftenly, punished them for trolling.
They got really really annoyed at Siftenly for punishing their friend, they started creating drama and stuff like that, so what I am suggesting is to add a rule: "be more respectful towards staff, like if they tell you to stop discussing about something then they should just stop."

This is a rule on Forums ''Do not argue with/harass staff. They work hard to keep the server running smoothly, '' and there is also a discord rule with this including ''No malicious targeted language or actions towards other individuals or groups, this includes inciting others, or creating drama.''

Punishment track: Warning → 3 day mute → 7 day mute → 30 day mute → Permanent mute (same as the swearing punishment track) I know that people should stop after being warned for the first time, but some people don't stop, so it would clear up for some players to stop arguing after warnings from staff. That's all for me, thanks for reading c:

(Also thanks to @Zuvi for helping me make this thread)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2020
Playing CubeCraft Skywars
Hello everyone!

So my friend punished someone for trolling, they trapped us in and with obsidian around the villager so we couldn't get out, after that my friend Siftenly, punished them for trolling.
They got really really annoyed at Siftenly for punishing their friend, they started creating drama and stuff like that, so what I am suggesting is to add a rule: "be more respectful towards staff, like if they tell you to stop discussing about something then they should just stop."

This is a rule on Forums ''Do not argue with/harass staff. They work hard to keep the server running smoothly, '' and there is also a discord rule with this including ''No malicious targeted language or actions towards other individuals or groups, this includes inciting others, or creating drama.''

Punishment track: Warning → 3 day mute → 7 day mute → 30 day mute → Permanent mute (same as the swearing punishment track) I know that people should stop after being warned for the first time, but some people don't stop, so it would clear up for some players to stop arguing after warnings from staff. That's all for me, thanks for reading c:

(Also thanks to @Zuvi for helping me make this thread)

I agree with the escalation and definitely is a rule that should be added. There is a specific rule not to harass staff on the the forums and Discord for their decisions, why shouldn’t there on the server? +1


Quality Assurance
Team CubeCraft
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Oct 17, 2016
This should be added, but carefully! Some players really think they haven’t done anything wrong in their eyes. And may a bit more aggressive in their wording, no matter if staff is right or not, all players should have a chance to defend themselves. Sometimes this will happen more “violently”, not always on purpose. Players shouldn’t be punished from the time. Also do I think that this should have a unique punishment track, that’s bounded each situation and “resets” for every other conversation. And that the punishment is decided for every conversation based on the context that has been said. With exceptions on if they break another rule like swearing.

I really think it should be implemented like to this to protect to unknowingly and people who are fast heat headed.

I hope everyone understands what I mean, I’ve been awake for maybe ten minutes so yeah...
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Deleted member 377664

Do you recall what they said, like examples because drama isn't really a clear example honestly? And whatever they've said might just fall into another already existing category?
I was with Dutudy in lobby and he wasn't able to punish them because it isnt one of the rules. he has told them to stop but they continued. Don't fully know what they said anymore as I haven't had a lot of sleep, so thinking is pretty hard

Queen Ualala

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2020
This suggestion really lies in the gray area. You should be able to express discontent openly without apprehension of some staff saying EEEE stOp ToXiC KIDDD or something like that.

As long as there’s so malicious hate in speech, let people discuss what they want.

I’m gonna vote no, I don’t think people understand the full implications of how much censorship this could bring about especially since this server wants 100 staff

Queen Ualala

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2020
Also this; Edit, I am agreeing with the following quote
This should be added, but carefully! Some players really think they haven’t done anything wrong in their eyes. And may a bit more aggressive in their wording, no matter if staff is right or not, all players should have a chance to defend themselves. Sometimes this will happen more “violently”, not always on purpose. Players shouldn’t be punished from the time. Also do I think that this should have a unique punishment track, that’s bounded each situation and “resets” for every other conversation. And that the punishment is decided for every conversation based on the context that has been said. With exceptions on if they break another rule like swearing.

I really think it should be implemented like to this to protect to unknowingly and people who are fast heat headed.

I hope everyone understands what I mean, I’ve been awake for maybe ten minutes so yeah...
PLEASE, aggressive wording is not something that’s wrong. Maybe it comes across as blunt and maybe rude, but it isn’t truly hurtful or aimed at inciting ill will on others.

“Be more respectful towards staff”
Sure, it’s basic human courtesy to be respectful towards everyone but 100% should not be a rule, that’s stupid. The problem is this suggestion is too ambiguous. How will staff team interpret ambiguity? They’ll probably start muting left and right and issue warnings unwarrantedly.
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Forum Expert
Dec 7, 2016
I'm against this because It's just inconsistent to enforce and I think official server punishments will only add fuel to the fire. If staff members are getting harassed in a way that's not breaking other rules or abusive, you can block and ignore them like anyone else.

People will see this as being punished for arguing their case and will appear like an abuse of power and can definitely be used in the wrong way. Staff already have the tools like everyone else not to go harassed. If the user goes out of their way to contact them more after a block or ignore then they can be dealt with on a case by case basis as this will be rarer. This does not need to be a rule with a punishment track and it does more harm than good.


Quality Assurance
Team CubeCraft
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Oct 17, 2016
The problem is this suggestion is too ambiguous. How will staff team interpret ambiguity? They’ll probably start muting left and right and issue warnings unwarrantably.
How come? It's already a rule on the discord server.
And I think you understood my reply a bit wrong. I was trying to say that IF such a rule were to be implemented, it should be with very strict boundaries to prevent the
Muting left and right and issue warnings unwarrantably.

aggressive wording is not something that’s wrong
I think it is, we have young players on the server. If other player are being aggressive towards them that won't have a positive impact on them. When I was 8 years old and someone was aggressive towards me, that didn't bring a smile on my face, absolutely not. CubeCraft is a Minecraft server but with more than 20 000 players, rules like this are important.

Look at this thread for example, he claims to be bullied by someone, I'm not saying this is true. The fact that someone is going to those lengths because he felt mistreated shows me that rules like this are needed.

Queen Ualala

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2020
I’m all for anti-bullying rules, I think bullying is allowed on the server as long as there’s no swearing right?? That’s really bad, I do agree.

Also @Fesa, I was agreeing with the some of stuff you said. Quoted your post because it was kinda insightful.

Anyway, they should add an anti-harassment rule which says no harassing or bullying players via chat. I think that would suffice.

I disagreed with this thread cuz the thread owner used terms like “argue with” “tell you to stop just stop”
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Oct 5, 2018
doesn't cube have a history of corrupt and unprofessional staff? just because you got proved wrong doesn't mean you should start muting people for it. don't turn a personal problem into something it ain't.


Forum Veteran
Jul 14, 2018
The Netherlands
doesn't cube have a history of corrupt and unprofessional staff? just because you got proved wrong doesn't mean you should start muting people for it. don't turn a personal problem into something it ain't.
Why corrupt? I think there are enough staff members doing their job and they try to keep the server clean. I think staff members deserve respect for the server. They just ban people for the right reason and it was. Siftenly did a great job!


Dedicated Member
Nov 12, 2016
Under no circumstances should this be added to the server. Certain staff members are already getting away with far too much corruption, at this rate it wouldn't surprise me if staff members are soon able to ban players without having to explain themselves.


Oct 5, 2018
Why corrupt? I think there are enough staff members doing their job and they try to keep the server clean. I think staff members deserve respect for the server. They just ban people for the right reason and it was. Siftenly did a great job!
if he did the right job the person wouldn't have got unbanned after a few hours. I've seen many examples of staff being corrupt.
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Deleted member 469419

Yeah, it would be a nice rule to add, some people is so annoying toward staff members...

I support you, anyways you got the "Escalated" prefix, so wouldn't be rare see "Implemented" as next.
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