Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Nov 20, 2016
I was banned permanently, I was only using tracers because it thought it was unfair for 5v5v5v1 and I was the 1 so it thought I could use tracers to boost my confidence to try to win, however in the end I lost but I had he confidence to try my best to go and win. I returned to the lobby and about 5 minutes later suddenly I was banned for some reason and so I wanted to know what exactly it was for because I don't think tracers is a completely useful, it is nearly useless but it boosted my confidence for that game that I can do it. I really want to get back on to play with my sister and have some fun again with her. My sister is now getting impatient and I am starting to get hated a lot so I really want to get to get back to play with her again.
Please can someone help.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
the computer
Unfortunately this is the wrong place to appeal your ban.
You can appeal here: https://appeals.cubecraft.net/.


You were banned by Sentinel for hacking. It shows you have been banned before by moderator ILoveYouu for hacking, before. You can talk to @CrazymanJR about your appeal. Explain to him what you were doing before you were banned.
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Dedicated Member
Sep 12, 2016
A tracers mod is not allowed on the server.
To check what mods are allowed -->https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/list-of-allowed-mods.122155/
You said you turned the mod on, as you thought it was unfair 5v5v5v1 which tells us that you had the mod already in your mods folder. This means that either you had somekind of tracers mod, or you had a cheat, which in both cases is against the rules as tracers is not allowed.
But, considering sentinel does make mistakes, and that you had no hacked client, it could have been a mistake. If it was a mistake there is prbably still not really a posibility that you will be unbanned because of your "tracers mod", but if you are telling the truth, I would encorage you to appeal if you haven't already at https://appeals.cubecraft.net/ .
If you are denied, then try contacting @CrazymanJR here, or for a faster reply do it on discord.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via this link -->https://www.cubecraft.net/conversations/add?to=ElPtricko
(Also, remember not to make a new account and play on cubecraft again as WILL get banned automatically)


Dedicated Member
May 4, 2017
You must not say that @Unipotato must lock. Locking a thread is not the importanst thing on the forums. The best thing that There is, is helping a person with his problem. You have only Said '@Unipotato lock???
You havent anything add And you havent helped this person. It is friendly that you ask for locking, But Pleas do it never again in the future (only as you add anything)


A tracers mod is not allowed on the server.
To check what mods are allowed -->https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/list-of-allowed-mods.122155/
You said you turned the mod on, as you thought it was unfair 5v5v5v1 which tells us that you had the mod already in your mods folder. This means that either you had somekind of tracers mod, or you had a cheat, which in both cases is against the rules as tracers is not allowed.
But, considering sentinel does make mistakes, and that you had no hacked client, it could have been a mistake. If it was a mistake there is prbably still not really a posibility that you will be unbanned because of your "tracers mod", but if you are telling the truth, I would encorage you to appeal if you haven't already at https://appeals.cubecraft.net/ .
If you are denied, then try contacting @CrazymanJR here, or for a faster reply do it on discord.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via this link -->https://www.cubecraft.net/conversations/add?to=ElPtricko
(Also, remember not to make a new account and play on cubecraft again as WILL get banned automatically)

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