I think that both Giga Blockwars capture the flag and bridges are not very well thought out. Across all my accounts I have spent well over 30 hours playing Giga Blockwars and, in my experience, the outcome of the entire match is often decided in the first few minutes. This is because the team that first reaches and takes over the diamond block spawners now has unlimited access to diamond equipment, while the other team can only get iron equipment which is
significantly worse and will almost always result in the team having better equipment winning.
significantly worse and will almost always result in the team having better equipment winning.
- In my opinion it will be better if the diamond block spawners became just diamond ore spawners. This way not all players are just going rush them because it will take a significant amount of time to get full gear,
- You should also consider reducing the number of actual spawners.
- Put the spawners in different places so all players don't rush one place.
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