Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Nov 30, 2022
The Philippines
"If CC has Mirage, a CS:GO/CS2 map, then they should also have the Entryway map from Doom 2." -- Me

The presence of Mirage in FFA and me playing Doom again made me compel to make an ffa map that could be in FFA (only in Java due to some of the features).

The map I worked on with a friend of mine (and others to follow as it's still being worked on) is Entryway, a map from an early FPS game named Doom 2 by id Software. I thought and wanted this to be added to the ffa map lineup as it shown some features:

1. Close Quarters - Most FFA maps are large, with Mayan being the largest out there with the smallest being Classic. Most maps are also open area (like Flatlands/Ancient and Sprung), with the smallest area being probably Mirage. The map provides CQC sections, like the winding corridor, the armory and the security checkpoint interior (in some cases).


2. Cover in Rocket PVP - In addition to the statement above, most of the maps are honestly circlestrafe heaven half of the time unless if someone knows how to lead their shots while the other tries to circlestrafe them to death. Not only that but you could get hit by a rocket in virtually every single direction especially in an open area like the fields in Kingdom. You gotta be thankful that we have a 3 second (re)spawn protection to give time but the risk is sometimes too great. The map provides plenty of cover to utilize such as the corridor walls, pillars, etc.




And there are only about 2 small open areas. The screenshot below shows one of them.


3. Variety Gamer's Familiarity - Some people will recognize the map design almost immediately, the same way that occured to me when playing the Mirage map on Counter Strike and others. Maybe this will give someone the same effect as me and other people.

4. Hiding The Secrets - There are plenty of secrets hiding for explorers and secret hunters like myself. Good luck finding and/or solving all of them. Some if not most will be hard to find and/or get into. Unlike most maps, the secrets involve switch hunts, fiddling around the map, and some puzzle solving.

....i probably spoke too much despite my lack of clarity and wording at some parts.


Dedicated Member
Mar 30, 2022
"If CC has Mirage, a CS:GO/CS2 map, then they should also have the Entryway map from Doom 2." -- Me

The presence of Mirage in FFA and me playing Doom again made me compel to make an ffa map that could be in FFA (only in Java due to some of the features).

The map I worked on with a friend of mine (and others to follow as it's still being worked on) is Entryway, a map from an early FPS game named Doom 2 by id Software. I thought and wanted this to be added to the ffa map lineup as it shown some features:

1. Close Quarters - Most FFA maps are large, with Mayan being the largest out there with the smallest being Classic. Most maps are also open area (like Flatlands/Ancient and Sprung), with the smallest area being probably Mirage. The map provides CQC sections, like the winding corridor, the armory and the security checkpoint interior (in some cases).

View attachment 229732

2. Cover in Rocket PVP - In addition to the statement above, most of the maps are honestly circlestrafe heaven half of the time unless if someone knows how to lead their shots while the other tries to circlestrafe them to death. Not only that but you could get hit by a rocket in virtually every single direction especially in an open area like the fields in Kingdom. You gotta be thankful that we have a 3 second (re)spawn protection to give time but the risk is sometimes too great. The map provides plenty of cover to utilize such as the corridor walls, pillars, etc.

View attachment 229734
View attachment 229736
View attachment 229735

And there are only about 2 small open areas. The screenshot below shows one of them.

View attachment 229733

3. Variety Gamer's Familiarity - Some people will recognize the map design almost immediately, the same way that occured to me when playing the Mirage map on Counter Strike and others. Maybe this will give someone the same effect as me and other people.

4. Hiding The Secrets - There are plenty of secrets hiding for explorers and secret hunters like myself. Good luck finding and/or solving all of them. Some if not most will be hard to find and/or get into. Unlike most maps, the secrets involve switch hunts, fiddling around the map, and some puzzle solving.

....i probably spoke too much despite my lack of clarity and wording at some parts.
I really like the feeling that this map have! As a doom fan (we I think talked on discord for some months ago xD), also my dad is a mega fan of the doom series. Really cool map!
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lorilambthecoolgamer wrote on luminance69's profile.
BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
Im so close to 1000 reaction score!
BicolourSine41 wrote on luminance69's profile.
Welcome 🤗 🤗
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