Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Mar 18, 2020
the procrasti-nation
Ok, so teaparty is my favorite map. Games are neither too short nor too long. Mid is flat, but the dishes make obstacles that makes pvp enjoyable and the terrain creates a fun experience. Some of my friends don't like teaparty because they think mid is unbalenced. Tbh, I get that. Winning a game on teaparty isn't based on where your team is on the map, but getting good map placement does make the beginning quite a lot easier, which can then lead to a much easier (and somewhat unfair) win. So, I have a list of balances/tweaks that I think that should be made to mid.

The general opinion is that pink is the best team, since it's closest to the lvl 3 diamond gen and the 2 lvl 2 dia gens. On the other end of the map is cyan, which only has the one lvl 2 dia gen.

"Pink side"
- Level 3 Diamond gen
- Level 2 Diamond gens 2x

"Cyan side"
- Level 2 Diamond gen

So, the "pink" side of the map is able to generate 4 diamonds every 5 seconds, while the "cyan side" is able to generate a mere 1 diamond every 5 seconds. See the problem? Being on pink team gives you a huge advantage. You can get to mid at the same time, but pink team will get way more diamonds right at the start and be in full iron and armed with a diamond sword by the time cyan is able to get to mid and run all the way to the other side of the map where the 3 diamond gens are. This is totally unfair.

Ok, here's my opinions on how to balance this.

"Pink side" needs to have one of the level 2 diamond gens removed, and "cyan side needs a level 3 diamond gen added."

The new list of gens would look like this

"Pink side"
- Level 3 Diamond gen
- Level 2 Diamond gen

"Cyan side"
- Level 3 Diamond gen
- Level 2 Diamond gen

So that's my idea. I decided not to touch on where the new dia gen on cyan side should go, and which level 2 diamond gen on pink side should be removed. The reason for that is I don't know what people think of this, and I don't want to go into more detail than is needed. If people agree that changes need to be made then we can talk about it and if people agree on something I can edit the post accordingly. And that means if you agree please tell me your opinions on new gen placement, so I can see what people think.

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Eli wrote on marshduck11's profile.
I like your profile picture
Mr Jii Gamer wrote on Egg🥚's profile.
Thank you so mush for everything

I know i am late bc i didn't realize that you have left the team sadly we see the better one go ..
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Happy Birthday! 🎂 ☁️
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