Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2016
Planet Pop Star
Okay so i've been wondering this for while... i have no idea if anyone asked this before or if it has been said.. but.. How do cubelets work, like seriously.. do you just get them randomly or do certain things have to be done in-game for you to get them when you win,I have been playing cubecraft for about a year now or even more but is still have no idea, i know people will say "all you have to do is be a pro like me and WIN" but okay, winning? is that it? i know that this is really important to getting a cubelet; Winning...but what else? i'm just wondering, if anyone has any idea please comment to let me know. because i have no idea and this is what the forums are for right? so let me know.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Not Sure
I think, killing enough people in a game, or outstanding performance in a game should earn you cubelets.

Britney Spears

How to get cubelets:

-By doing achievements (you can find the achievement menu by clicking on the diamond in your hotbar)
-Daily challenges (which you can also find by clicking the diamond in your hotbar)
-Winning games

How do cubelets work:

- It's pretty similar to a FIFA pack opening if you're familiar with that.Everything you get is completely random.It doesn't look-up on which things you already have and which not.

Cubelets in a nutshell :)


Forum Professional
May 29, 2015
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
How to get cubelets:

-By doing achievements (you can find the achievement menu by clicking on the diamond in your hotbar)
-Daily challenges (which you can also find by clicking the diamond in your hotbar)
-Winning games

How do cubelets work:

- It's pretty similar to a FIFA pack opening if you're familiar with that.Everything you get is completely random.It doesn't look-up on which things you already have and which not.

Cubelets in a nutshell :)
So it's corrupt? (Since it's similar to FIFA) How dare you?!


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2016
Planet Pop Star
How to get cubelets:

-By doing achievements (you can find the achievement menu by clicking on the diamond in your hotbar)
-Daily challenges (which you can also find by clicking the diamond in your hotbar)
-Winning games

How do cubelets work:

- It's pretty similar to a FIFA pack opening if you're familiar with that.Everything you get is completely random.It doesn't look-up on which things you already have and which not.

Cubelets in a nutshell :)
i know about doing achievements, daily challenges and winning games, but i mean.. when you win.. you don't always get cubelets ... sometimes i get one and sometimes i get two and what i wanna know is.. what needs to be done for you to get a cubelet after winning a game. that's what i'm asking. is that also random? i guess by asking "how do cubelets work?" i'm asking how do you get certain stuff out of them, but this is not what i'm asking, i'm asking how do they work for you to get them after winning a game.

Britney Spears

i know about doing achievements, daily challenges and winning games, but i mean.. when you win.. you don't always get cubelets ... sometimes i get one and sometimes i get two and what i wanna know is.. what needs to be done for you to get a cubelet after winning a game. that's what i'm asking. is that also random? i guess by asking "how do cubelets work?" i'm asking how do you get certain stuff out of them, but this is not what i'm asking, i'm asking how do they work for you to get them after winning a game.

Completely random. Sometimes you get five , sometimes you get one.

Britney Spears

You're welcome !

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