In my opinion Chaos SkyWars is a big disappointment. All the explosives and gimmicks get on my nerves. There is a reason noone plays this mode and its either their computer cant handle all the constant explosions and people flying around using leap feathers, or they just don't like it (or they don't have VIP). Chaos SkyWars is Both a waste of money for the developers of CubeCraft and a waste of time for the community. in my opinion i would rather have this mode removed and replaced with a 1v1v1v1 ranked mode for SkyWars where you can unlock both VIP exp for winning games and unlock exclusive level rewards for the mode. All of my friends agreed with me on this topic not a single person disagreed. This would be a step in the right direction for CubeCraft in my opinion. No more stupid op explosives or leap feathers. Just a chilll 1v1v1v1 ranked mode with balanced loot and kits.