Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
This is basically a repost of this suggestion. It’s been a while since all 5 game duel variations have been released on the network.I know that the Java game duels will be removed tomorrow😥, but on the Bedrock network they still do fine.

I feel some games just feel better in teams, like blockwars and eggwars and it is great playing with a friend against two others.

So my suggestion is: 2v2 versions of the game duel modes

The normal duels already have this, and they can just reuse the same maps for 2 player modes. So I don’t see this taking much resources in development.

Please react positively if you like this suggestion. If you don‘t, that‘s completely fine but please explain why you disagree in an effort so I can improve the suggestion


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2020
The JOJOLands
This is basically a repost of this suggestion. It’s been a while since all 5 game duel variations have been released on the network.I know that the Java game duels will be removed tomorrow😥, but on the Bedrock network they still do fine.

I feel some games just feel better in teams, like blockwars and eggwars and it is great playing with a friend against two others.

So my suggestion is: 2v2 versions of the game duel modes

The normal duels already have this, and they can just reuse the same maps for 2 player modes. So I don’t see this taking much resources in development.

Please react positively if you like this suggestion. If you don‘t, that‘s completely fine but please explain why you disagree in an effort so I can improve the suggestion
I don't play 2v2, so I don't really care but we already have SkyWars & EggWars 2v2.
Lucky Island, CTF & Bridge duels aren't that popular (duel mode gets about 100+ players) so IDK if it's a good idea.
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lorilambthecoolgamer wrote on luminance69's profile.
BicolourSine41 wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Oh wow! 3k reaction score! Congrats! Same day as my 1k!
Yes! 1000 reaction score! Thanks to@Reesle for being my 1k reaction! Still did not get my trophy points...
Im so close to 1000 reaction score!
BicolourSine41 wrote on luminance69's profile.
Welcome 🤗 🤗
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