Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2014
Wall Maria, Shiganshina District,
1.8 is coming closer and closer, and as you may know there is a new skin layout, 2 layers per body part.

I willing to set up your skin for 1.8.

here is an example of my skin i did ready for 1.8.

Screenshot 2014-08-03 at 20.35.28.png
Under Body
my skin.png
over body
my skin (1).png
With it all together.

Just use this template for what you want me to do, if you do not use the template I will not do it :)

Minecraft Username (for skin):
Under Body: (what you would want)
Over Body: ( what you would want)

Catzore <3 Taco's

Dedicated Member
Apr 15, 2014
Minecraft Username (for skin): Catzore
Under Body: (what you would want) A red a orange t-shirt
Over Body: ( what you would want) a blue and purple hoodie with the hood over it and (gradient) and dark green sneakers and blue shorts
Anything Else: Can i have the whole skin shaded? if you cant shade im fine with that
Gender: Female


Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2014
Wall Maria, Shiganshina District,
Minecraft Username (for skin): Catzore
Under Body: (what you would want) A red a orange t-shirt
Over Body: ( what you would want) a blue and purple hoodie with the hood over it and (gradient) and dark green sneakers and blue shorts
Anything Else: Can i have the whole skin shaded? if you cant shade im fine with that
Gender: Female
i am new to minecraft skins, ill try my best to get some shaded


Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2014
Wall Maria, Shiganshina District,
Minecraft Username (for skin): Catzore
Under Body: (what you would want) A red a orange t-shirt
Over Body: ( what you would want) a blue and purple hoodie with the hood over it and (gradient) and dark green sneakers and blue shorts
Anything Else: Can i have the whole skin shaded? if you cant shade im fine with that
Gender: Female
ait what would you want as an underbody for the legs


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2014
Minecraft Username lukedog16
Under body: orange pants
Upper body: orange and white shirt
Gender: male


Dedicated Member
Minecraft Username (for skin): gamehurricane19
Under Body: (what you would want) my current skin,
Over Body: ( what you would want) a light blue/white jacket.
i sorta want it to look sorta like my old skin, just with a more, "3D effect"
need anything else just ask.
edit: maybe also with the backpack from my old skin on the outer layer as well as the jacket


Dedicated Member
edit: maybe also with the backpack from my old skin on the outer layer as well as the jacket
Minecraft Username (for skin): gamehurricane19
Under Body: (what you would want) my current skin,
Over Body: ( what you would want) a light blue/white jacket.
i sorta want it to look sorta like my old skin, just with a more, "3D effect"
need anything else just ask.
second edit: Okay can i have that outer jacket sorta like only from the head down to the halfway from the breast area and the waist. and on the outer layer of the pants can i have like a sorta like a gun holster (the thing is want is the omni directional movement gear from attack on titan ) sorry if this is a lot of edits, i just want my skin to look good.


Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2014
Wall Maria, Shiganshina District,
second edit: Okay can i have that outer jacket sorta like only from the head down to the halfway from the breast area and the waist. and on the outer layer of the pants can i have like a sorta like a gun holster (the thing is want is the omni directional movement gear from attack on titan ) sorry if this is a lot of edits, i just want my skin to look good.
at do you mean by old skin
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