Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. Vothoras


    This is a suggestion to remove that non-pvp areas outside of the shops. Because of that areas many players shop-camp.
  2. Vothoras

    How to get fast diamond

    First step: First get some food, so that you don't starve. Second step: Farm some money (about 130$). After you got enough money buy 1 strength 2 potion and 1 speed 2 potion. Third step: Now kill the Diamond guy. The best way to kill him is to surprise him, so he can't drink potions. Example:
  3. Vothoras


    Many Players can log on 15 minutes later, once they got banned, by spamming the log-in button. So I had the idea to set their log-in spawnpoint on a pressure plate that kicks them automatically.
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