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  • I’m going to announce now that my lucky islands topic discussion series will be discontinued for now. I’m out of good ideas and feeling pretty unmotivated today.
    Maybe there will be more posts in the future, but they wonk occur on a weekly schedule. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to tell me and thanks to those who participated in my discussions. Hoping I can find motivation to get stuff done over break.
    It's sad to hear but take as long as you need man.
    I’m making the tough decision to discontinue my lucky islands feedback posts. The remaining issues I have that I want to talk about deserve much more detail and thought, and I don’t think I can develop them weekly. I don’t want to make the mistake of rushing them to meet a schedule, especially when I don’t have many more topics to write about. Weekly topic discussions will remain the same.
    I am considering making weekly tutorial/guide posts later down the road, but right now, I would like to take a step back from my current amount of content to focus on other things. I hope this isn’t too disappointing to anyone, and I greatly appreciate the support my feedback threads ended up gaining.
    I’m currently in the process of making a lucky islands quiz. Does anyone have any ideas for questions that I should put in it? (Don’t spoil the answer in case I end up adding it)
    "When you receive -block name goes here- from a Blocks lucky block, how much of that block do you get?"(Example: block type: "emerald blocks", answer: "3")
    You could do a similar question involving Food lucky blocks too
    I just uploaded my massive passion project, a lucky islands solos guide. It is still completely unfinished, but it has enough complete that I decided to upload it early. You can check it out here:
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