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  • Sir I am banned in Cubecraft by Sentinel .Yes I had a hacked client but I assure you I did not use any hack provided by the client. I used it because it had a feature called "Auto Sprint". Badlion used to have it but they changed into "Sprint Toggle". BUT I accidentally toggled Triggerbot in Tower Defence. So I got banned. I did not ruin anyone's gameplay. So please resolve my problem. Thank you!
    Your ban is correct, and i'm going to copy-paste this from cbecrft.net/mods:
    "NOT ALLOWED -> - Clients with cheat modules, even if you don't use them"
    ok I understand can I aleast use a warning pls?
    1.2 - Use of illegal clients or mods (Cheating)
    Punishment track: 7 day ban (Sentinel only) → 30 day ban → Permanent ban

    Why should you be different?
    Welcome back follower, to the 2nd Church of the Power Ranger! I hope you find peace in you renewed faith!

    Our little helper trio finally has almost all the colors covered between you, @Snodia and me! ♡
    Gracias por todo en lo que me has ayudado!!! Eres una persona increíble y te deseo todo lo mejor del mundo!!!
    Espero hacerlo igual de bien que tu Capi <333
    Gracias por el follow! <333
    Harm de Vink
    Huh?? I thought you told me you still needed to complete the wicked builder achievement where you need to win a game with the builder kit.
    Deleted member 469419
    Hi! Have you tried to appeal?
    ah bue, si no es un bug es un hacker 2/3 partidas te encontras un hacker me aburro asi no podes jugar
    Deleted member 469419
    Entiendo tu frustración, de veras, pero si ves a un hacker en un juego, lo mejor es hacer /report (y si hay algún moderador en línea o haciendo reportes lo verá/sentinel lo puede sancionar) o reportar (con evidencia que no sea una imagen, es decir, con vídeo) aquí: https://reports.cubecraft.net/report

    Buena suerte
    Deleted member 469419
    Así estarás ayudante a la comunidad de Cubecraft!
    Deleted member 469419
    Hola inicie una conversacion para explicarte mi problema y te puse como participante contesta porfa
    Deleted member 469419
    Ten paciencia amigo, Capitán está últimamente ocupado.
    ok esque llevo 2 dias baneado por que el sentinel me baneo por hacks y yo nunca he usado hacks
    Deleted member 469419
    No te preocupes, como dije Capitán es una tipo ocupado. ¡Espero que tengas suerte con ello!
    Thank you really for the fast reaction with my false ban.
    I really appreciate how fast and efficient you work and really admire it.
    jamie dijks
    I've been waiting for 6 hours now. what is the normal waiting time? maybe it's light to me and I've done something wrong with sending I haven't understood that much about this stuff. I was sent here from discord.
    The waiting time is from 3-22 hours before your appeals gets reviewed.
    Mine got reviewed on the 17th hour, but you should start conversation with him if he denied it and you think it was unfair.
    Otherwise you just have to wait for a bit.
    I have a question about a report, can i ask it here? Or do i need to start a conversation?
    Why not use pm
    It's faster to start a conversation right away. That's private and right now you are asking him a question without asking him your real question. You know what i'm saying? Waste of time.

    Edit: @WannabePolice2 answered your question already but I didn't want to remove my answer xD
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