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your previous videos, without the million effect. It's just not trailer worthy. CubeCraft isn't that small, I'm not saying it's big but it's certainly not small. If you make a trailer like your ''When you cheat in Skywars'' video: gives me a headache. If you're a designer you kinda represent the server. Not as much as staff, but people will
still look up to you. With your behaviour that's just a no go. Even I, a drama queen, know that.
Sorry but I make videos with sony vegas, and trailers with AC. And I think I am more talented than you. So you haven't seen anything that I made in terms of AC. So you better shut up :)
You tell me to shut up because I ''haven't seen anything you made in terms of AC'' yet you claim you're more talented.. yet you haven't seen anything I made in terms of anything.
And you didn't see anything I made, and you said you could edit better than me? I think you're a bit behind. Are you always like that, or do you care?
The fact that luke says that I threatened a staff while I did not do anything wrong and would not even want to give any further explanation. Until then, but that you are once again so gifted to block me for no reason says enough about the abilities of this board.
The meme was almost funny, I still have better memes about a very good staff member. Wait, Lezappen came to me for advice, I am not that trash after all because a previous designer and other designers thought it was still nice with sony vegas, while I have not shown it yet with AC, and say that I have a big neck , you can only show something you have, so you have nothing if you can't show anything.
I mean, say I have a big neck, while you say you can edit better, while you can't show anything. And if you could show something fancy, you were going to be a designer, wait, are you? No, you are more someone who is slime in the management
You have an entire channel fillt with videos for me to watch so I've seen a lot of videos. But creativity isn't only used to edit, you know that right? It can be used to dance, write, design clothing, draw, make memes. Your video edits aren't something that's hard to make. You throw a million effect on it and call it a day. I will say, no I have not seen if you can make memes, write, dance,
design clothes or any other thing where you can show creativity, but I have seen your edits, and it's the same as any other tryhard edit.
I have 0 interest in joining the designer team? If I edit it's because I enjoy doing it and because I choose what I edit. I don't want other people to choose what I'm editing. That'll ruin the fun of it.
No sorry, as I said before, this was done with sony gas, and I make trailers with AC. Seriously, are you always that stupid or do you just do it? Because I think you miss a few.
And can you show something? Oh no? Then what do you interfere with? Because I don't think any designers have asked you to come and ask when I will make videos again? And believe me, I've been working on creative issues and discovering things all my life. You don't know me, what do you say?
No, because you cannot show what you cannot do? Where from where? You think your design skills are beautiful from afar, I think they are also beautiful.
This is, what, the 3rd time I'm gonna say this: You're saying I can't judge you on something I've never seen yet you do the exact same. You tell me you're a better editor and that you're more creative.. You've never seen anything what involved me using my creativity.. you have no idea if you are more creative then me or if you're a
better editor. Stop saying I can't have an opinion about your editing when you do the exact same in the exact same post. I'd also like to mention that not all designers are editors.. some are builders.. the word ''designer'' doesn't much much in that case because it could've been a builer.. That's
the same as saying ''this random person in my comments asked for a new video!''. Unless it's someone who's job is to edit, it doesn't matter if he's a designer or not. But according to you the editors are bad and you can make better trailers with your eyes closed so it still doesn't really matter.
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Cesaer je bent een arrogante, vervelende jongen die zijn fouten niet durft toe te geven. Wat ben ik blij dat jij geen designer bent, en dat hopelijk nooit wordt.
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