Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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Dedicated Member
Jul 12, 2016
Hello cubecrafters!
Before you post a comment,
please read the full suggestion.
Because i know many people are against this idea...

It's a /register command.
A command to protect your account from hackers
even better!


First of all, i wanna say securing your account is not required to be able to play on CCG.
We probably all know the /register command, it's a command
that secure's your account against hackers. When you type /register [password] [repeat password] your cubecraft account will be secured. When you register a password to your Cubecraft Account, you will get a confirmation message sended to your forums account. Here you can choose to register a password or not. HELP, i don't have a forums account!? Sorry, but you have to have a forums account to be able to secure your Cubecraft account. When you confirmed that you want a password on your Cubecraft account you will receive an in-game message saying:
Account succesfully secured!

Now that you secured your account and you relogged into the server, you'll get a message saying:

Welcome back [Playername], type /login [password] to login!
When you don't type that, you won't be able to do anything. You can't chat, move etc..
When you type the correct password, you can now do everything that you wanna do!
When you type the wrong password, you will get a message saying:
Oops that's wrong, try again!

Why you enter the wrong 5x password it will say:
Forgot your password? You can change your password here: [passwordchangelink].
When you open the link you can log in to your forums account and you can change your password just like you did when registering.. You can change your password every 7 days.

If your forums account got deleted, your password linked to your Cubecraft account will also be automatically removed. Now when you log in to the server you can do anything you want. No /login required.

You can always delete your password on your forums account under the section "password".

Thanks for reading, please let me know what you think about this suggestion in the comments!
-Lenny :)



Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
I like the idea, but it should be altered. I have been playing on a cracked server for a while but I found it quite annoying to always have to login with my password.
It might be very useful if players would be able to add certain IP's to a whitelist so they do not have to login when joining the server on that IP. So, when you join, you have to login, and after having logged in successfully you get the question if you want to remember the current IP where you can click Yes or No. If you click yes, the IP will be stored with that player and the next time the player logs in, the server won't ask for a password. Eventually IP's can expire after two months or if the player has not joined for two weeks.
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Forum Expert
Nov 23, 2014
the Netherlands
I don't really know because cubecraft only accept premium accounts, so for players That use cracked accounts. Also If your account is hacked you might get banned by Comprimised account.
But I got a Question. Players without a forum account, do they have a password? Or are they supposed to create an account?

But, I'm not sure about it. So I can't judge about it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
No, because cubecraft only accept premium accounts, so for players That use cracked accounts. Also If your account is hacked you might get banned by Comprimised account. Sorry But I do not support This, and it would be annoying If you want to check something really fast. And a change is you can forgot your password and it would be blocked. (Also if a hacker does it, with trying it many times.
-1 sorry
Did you even read the post...


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Umm minor oversight about this suggestion
multiple players may have the same password *cough cough* 12345 *cough cough*
and you can't rely on usernames either since it isn't necessarily the same situation both on the forums and in game
I personally don't think this is very doable
also this wouldn't exactly protect your account especially if it were compromised being you still get banned so it probably would also be inaffective


Forum Expert
Jul 24, 2015
a place where everything you touch turns to gold.
Reason 1: Wave of useless accounts on the forums.
I like that little people know about the forums. This way, the amount of annoying noobs asking for admin rank or posting useless things is as low as it can be, if it was necessary to join the forums to play, more people would be necroposting, asking for staff rank, and posting useless posts.

Reason 2: More work for the staff members:
See reason 1.

Reason 3: It's annoying AF.
I would not like to have to log in every time I join the server.

Reason 4: Less people would play on cubecraft.
See reason 3.

Reason 5: We're not a non-premium server.

Ok, so, there are some problems with the suggestion, but there is one simple way to fix it:
̶D̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶i̶m̶p̶l̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶
Make it optional!
If you know you might be targetted by a hacker for a certain reason, or you want extra security, you turn it on, if you think it's annoying, you turn it off. This way people can protect their account, but only if they want to.

Smoothy P

Jun 16, 2017
I do support this idea much, and the securer the better, But how about we make it like the forums, a 2 steps verification, You choose to use it or not to, i support the idea Above my Comment ^ more .

Kind Regards,
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Dedicated Member
Apr 22, 2017
+1 I've seen someone on here complain to staff that someone hacked their account and used a hacked client on it resulting in a ban. This would help reduce this.


No, I like the way it is. It would be very boring to log in everyday
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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2016
I never liked the idea of /register, yes it does protect your account from hackers, but it is also extremely annoying. I might sound like a complete and utter (insert swearing here), but people need to make sure their password is decent xD


Forum Expert
Jul 24, 2015
a place where everything you touch turns to gold.
I prefer it to continue as it is since it would be a royo to be getting it every two for three ... Also not being logged is what makes the premium servers unique
Nice Google translate.
And btw, the reason google didn't translate "royo" is because that word doesn't exist. It's rollo ;) And "roll" is not a correct way to express laziness in English.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
I'm more to the no side...

I think it's very annoying and if you forget your password you have spend another 10 mins on it.

Like jollow said, there is a possibility of players having the same password.
There are many dangers and risks in this, I am not supporting this idea.
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Forum Expert
Jul 7, 2016
Reason 1: Wave of useless accounts on the forums.
I like that little people know about the forums. This way, the amount of annoying noobs asking for admin rank or posting useless things is as low as it can be, if it was necessary to join the forums to play, more people would be necroposting, asking for staff rank, and posting useless posts.

Reason 2: More work for the staff members:
See reason 1.

Reason 3: It's annoying AF.
I would not like to have to log in every time I join the server.

Reason 4: Less people would play on cubecraft.
See reason 3.

Reason 5: We're not a non-premium server.

Ok, so, there are some problems with the suggestion, but there is one simple way to fix it:
̶D̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶i̶m̶p̶l̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶
Make it optional!
If you know you might be targetted by a hacker for a certain reason, or you want extra security, you turn it on, if you think it's annoying, you turn it off. This way people can protect their account, but only if they want to.
Adding something else: Hackers who currently have a someone's account will be able to "register" and claim that account as his, so what?
I think this shouldn't be added, there was a thread like this made months ago and it didn't receive much support.
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