Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020

Today i decided i would get clarification on rule 2.1 - swearing. i asked the question "is targetted acronyms allowed or not" I stayed in staff help for hours bumping my question. But unfortunetly it came with no response from a team specialised in knowing everything about the rules, punishing users who break them. I have many concerns about this pathetic behaviour by the moderation team.

What is Rule 2.1 swearing and what is my problem with it?

2.1 - Swearing​

Swearing is defined as the use of offensive language such as profanities, expletives, or other language intended to belittle, offend, or upset other users or communities. Swearing is strictly prohibited. Bullying punishments are at the discretion of the moderation team. Masking swear words, extreme toxicity and controversial discussions (like politics) may result in a punishment. Acronyms are allowed unless they are targeted to a user.
Swearing or threatening in your appeal will result in a punishment. Harassing players falls under this rule. If you believe a player is harassing you in real life, please create a safety report here: https://www.cubecraft.net/forums/player-safety.124 and we will be happy to help.

so heres the rule, in this rule "Acronyms are allowed unless they are targeted to a user." this is in writing. should be clear, but no haha its a trick. It's only banable depending on the moderator you get to handle your report or the report that was sent of you. After failing to answer the question i asked before i asked the question is this targetted swearing (a report from someone) https://reports.cubecraft.net/report/evidence/Nsm5XJk5kOvy0mSm42hw , the opinions for some were that its allowed others say its not allowed, but is it targetted? no. it not, right? so imo it shouldnt be punished bcs well... its not targetted.... but it was. lets look at another case....

Another little trick here guys above it wasn't targetted and it was punished lets look at it the other way around https://reports.cubecraft.net/report/evidence/K8YuRVZGfo3mrSY2jT6f here we see it is targetted but not punished. Depends on how the moderator is feeling i guess.

So is it allowed or not, targetted swearing through acronyms? not allowed apperently. but also allowed yk wether the mod feels extra nice etc.

I request that this corrupt discriminatory nature among the moderation team is dropped, targetted swearing through acronyms are allowed or not? Well according to CapitanGato your moderation manager the rules state its not allowed.

As a member of cubecraft games i am highly disturbed that if i get reported it depends on the mod and how they're feeling.

Well thats it, my suggestion: Moderators just follow the rules and dont discriminate among cases, its not allowed. it says so in the rules


Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
You can :P. It’s possible for the admins to remind moderators to look closely to these cases when they’ve recieved a form of feedback about it
But I'm confused is capitangato's rules not being followed? I as a member follow them? He says it's not allowed but mods only punish if they feel like it. I would also like to add this is feedback about the rules, not about a member of the moderation team
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Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Jul 2, 2017
the agency
Targeted acronyms aren't allowed, but "targeted" is a subjective thing a lot of the time. If this post is asking to make the rules clearer then I'm all for it, but it just comes off as bashing mods (not me specifically as I wasn't involved, but in general).

For example, I wouldn't punish for either evidence you've linked here. "delayed asf" is talking about kb, not a player so I agree with you. "wtf are you doing" is a gray area imo, it's asking more about an action than a direct targeted statement such as "stfu", so I wouldn't punish for that either.

Like I said I am all for that rule being more clear, but for that to happen there needs to be specific feedback on what about the rule you feel needs to change, otherwise this feels more like a public staff feedback thread than a suggestion.


Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
Targeted acronyms aren't allowed, but "targeted" is a subjective thing a lot of the time. If this post is asking to make the rules clearer then I'm all for it, but it just comes off as bashing mods (not me specifically as I wasn't involved, but in general).

For example, I wouldn't punish for either evidence you've linked here. "delayed asf" is talking about kb, not a player so I agree with you. "wtf are you doing" is a gray area imo, it's asking more about an action than a direct targeted statement such as "stfu", so I wouldn't punish for that either.

Like I said I am all for that rule being more clear, but for that to happen there needs to be specific feedback on what about the rule you feel needs to change, otherwise this feels more like a public staff feedback thread than a suggestion.
I mean the rules clear imo, Don't use targetted acronyms for swearing.. why isn't the rule being taken like that? I am aware mods are "human" which was the only excuse when talking in discord about it but all people know that targetting means - directing it at someone aka adding you to it, my understadning of this is that " wtf are u doing " is clearly targetted, it's not clear. do we as members follow the rule as a literal statement or do we have to get a list of all acronyms that aren't punishable? because thats what it seems like


what's a bug 🍪
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Jul 2, 2017
the agency
I dont want the rule more clear, it's already clear.
If you feel the rules are clear how they are then you are okay with them being opinion based sometimes. I disagree with the idea that anything with "you" in it is targeted immediately, it is and will always be a somewhat subjective thing if the only rule is "targeted".

I still don't see any feedback or suggestions besides "corrupt discriminatory nature among the moderation team", this still seems more fit for a staff feedback thread as Marieke said.
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Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
Whats discriminatory here is that due to it being opinion based certain people can get away with stuff and others can't... that is unacceptable full stop. Thats why i want this to change, my suggestion is to make "acronyms for swearing are not allowed if targetted" a literal rule rather than a rule that is just opinions based, to avoid any confusion that so many people have including the moderation team apperently because i just cant get a straight answer to it bcs well.. all mods have a different one.


what's a bug 🍪
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Jul 2, 2017
the agency
i just cant get a straight answer to it
That's the point I'm trying to get across, there is no straight answer. The only straight answer is what's written in the rules, but that in itself is subjective. Context, specific wordings, staff opinion, and even real world events can play a part in chat offenses at times, they will very often be opinionated in nature. Moderators are picked to be able to make those decisions, and we have the appeals process in case a decision is ever incorrect or even debatable.


Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
Well my feedback to the moderation team as a regular member is that it sucks to think that it depends on what moderator i get if someone reports me wether i get punished or not... I'd much rather all moderators to be on the same page and take the rule literally because atm it's not. it arises huge confusion when following the rules and reporting people


what's a bug 🍪
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Jul 2, 2017
the agency
I agree that it's not ideal, but there isn't much of another option. For the most part though we are on the same page, and if a report is borderline we can get others' opinions on it.


Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
I mean the rule is ofcourse ideal because it's extremely clear.... But it's just not taken literally by staff members and its extremely confusing, is there a list of allowed to target acronyms somwhere? or am i missing something? the rules not clear in that its taken as a different meaning by every member and every member of staff due to the answers staff give and how opinion based the moderation of this rule is and its not right honestly out of all rules that could be opinion based ye pick this rule its completely clear do not target swearing acronyms but it's also not. Honestly it needs to be taken literally because we are asked to "read your rules" and we are asked to "report on the website" in game yet they dont match.


Moderation Manager
Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
Oct 13, 2016
I am aware of this issue in the moderation team and that's why with Keanu we started a project a few days ago in which we will discuss with all moderators many words and sentences and add them to a long list. This way all the team will be on the same page regarding swearing reports and will not depend on "how the moderator feels".
This will not be immediate, because it will take a few days to discuss all the examples we have already listed, but I can assure you that we are working on it.
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