Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Katsia Stray

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2020
Hello gamers!

A couple of us came up with the idea of cubecraft council! This role is for members that help out the community a lot!


The idea of the CCC is to help each other and help some of the newer cubecraft members settle in
This includes

  • helping each other test bugs,
  • looking at threads and hearing out newer players,
  • immediately reporting any problems,
  • welcoming players that joined the discord,
  • thinking of new ideas to improve the server
Overall being a helping hand!

Once again, this is not a staff role. The purpose of this role is to help make Cubecraft the most welcoming and positive server it can be!

There will be a 3 day period for all the people who want to be part of the CCC to join it
After the 3 days are over, there will be an update thread, and the top few players to get voted (depending on how many there are) will be trainees for the position

Once a trainee, the player will be asked a few questions based on how much they know about the server and how they tackle certain things.

IF YOU ARE DENIED, you can take the questions into consideration and try again once you have an understanding of what the CCC is about. Good luck!

IF YOU ARE ACCEPTED, you will be invited to a private council server (unless cube staff do make this a role with a locked channel then hey that works)
  • Be active on the cubecraft discord
  • Be at least 14
  • Know the server rules
  • Being a kind person
  • Being fluent at English (specifically typing)
  • Having an active forums account
  • Not being actively warned/punished
  • Being part of the community for a long time

Extra Points if you:
  • Know Dutch (as a lot of the server speaks it)
  • Help others out where possible
  • Answer Staff-Help questions in English General or one of the other language channels
  • Aren't often/always on invisible status (people should know when they can go to you for help.

As a quick reminder for all plans,
If cubecraft makes this an official discord/forums role with it's own locked channel/category:
  • Players will know which members they can trust to be a good person, or to ask questions to if staff help is empty for a bit
  • Players can ask these members about bugs/features or rules that they might not understand
  • The CCC can ask each other questions and get help from each other.
However, if Cubecraft does not support/see a purpose for the CCC:
  • I will host a server for people that are still interested in the CCC
  • I will still follow with the thread updates and members
  • We can still help Cube be a better place by working together, so it shouldn't matter too much
  • Optionally, we can have [CCC] at the start of our cubecraft discord nick so players can still talk to us!

This took me a long time to write out, so I will not add a poll, but I'd rather hear any additional ideas, or changes to this idea

If you want to be try your luck for the ccc, I will have my cubecraft dms open for the next few days. My discord is Katsia#3498. If you dm me about the CCC, please say it in your message so I know you are interested and not just someone messaging me for a normal conversation (people are scary)
Do NOT just say "hi" without mentioning the council and wait for a response as I will probably brush it off as a conversation.

Thank you for reading this. My next message will be on Sunday and will be part of the lobby since the idea has been said. Hopefully we get some replies![/spoiler]

Katsia Stray

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2020
I feel like this is worse because then you're forcing people to do it because of their role.
It's a voluntary role. This is for people who want to let members talk to them if they have smaller questions that dont have to be staff dedicated
Also a player joins every 5 minutes, it'd probably get annoying for the flow of chat.
It's not too bad, it's just a say hi and if that person does become an active member to get involved they know theres more members to look forward to


Forum Veteran
Jan 5, 2017
Maastricht, the Netherlands
not necessarily, since not all members are willing to welcome others, or help others with any problems they may have.
But they can if they want to? I dislike the feeling of having to join a non staff group just to welcome people and be able to help them?

It's a voluntary role. This is for people who want to let members talk to them if they have smaller questions that dont have to be staff dedicated
So is helper. And in the end we applied to be staff ~ whatever CCG-related question they have, helpers/mod are here to help.

It's not too bad, it's just a say hi and if that person does become an active member to get involved they know theres more members to look forward to
1/3 people join to ask something in staffhelp then disappear, and 1/3 don't even send anything at all. Not a massive fan.

Katsia Stray

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2020
But they can if they want to? I dislike the feeling of having to join a non staff group just to welcome people and be able to help them?
Sure you can help someone and that might get noticed but that doesnt mean they are going to help anytime.
So is helper. And in the end we applied to be staff ~ whatever CCG-related question they have, helpers/mod are here to help.
Not all questions should be staff only. The council are to make new members feel noticed since the chat are mixed in friend groups
1/3 people join to ask something in staffhelp then disappear, and 1/3 don't even send anything at all. Not a massive fan.
Not everyone is like that. It's so much more difficult to make friends and fit in to the community as a new member. Believe me, I tried on an alt and talking to people felt impossible since people ignore me when they dont recognize me. The council is here to make people feel noticed and welcome to the community
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Dedicated Member
Feb 9, 2021
Sure you can help someone and that might get noticed but that doesnt mean they are going to help anytime.

Not all questions should be staff only. The council are to make new members feel noticed since the chat are mixed in friend groups

Not everyone is like that. It's so much more difficult to make friends and fit in to the community as a new member. Believe me, I tried on an alt and talking to people felt impossible since people ignore me when they dont recognize me. The council is here to make people feel noticed and welcome to the community
It really just isn't like that


Forum Veteran
Jan 5, 2017
Maastricht, the Netherlands
I just genuinely don't see why they need to be part of a group/etc.

Anyone can welcome players. Anyone can help players. Anyone can report/test bugs. Any player can think of ideas to improve the server ~ you quite literally made a suggestion just now without a rank/being part of a group.

Why do we need a group for this? I dislike giving people the feeling like ''If you're not in this group, then you don't count when it comes to welcoming/suggesting/whatever.'' It might not be the intention behind the group, but it will be the result

Katsia Stray

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2020
Anyone can welcome players. Anyone can help players. Anyone can report/test bugs. Any player can think of ideas to improve the server
Well it doesnt always happen and you cant recognize that person if they arent there in the moment. People dont have to be in the group to be welcoming, but it's easier for newer players to see who is interested in greeting them. I didnt have anyone greeting me when I wasnt using this name. I just think there should be a group to bring up those players


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
So in short it's a voluntary role with duties similar to helper/moderator duties but without a staff rank? Quite pointless, literally everything you mentioned can be done by staff or even yourself as well (like keanu mentioned), I really don't see why you'd need a special role to distinguish yourself from the others.
  • Answer Staff-Help questions in English General or one of the other language channels
I don't see how this is an extra point of value? I've always considered it obnoxious and extremely wannabe-like behaviour because those questions are asked in #staff-help for a reason. To be helped by staff.

Katsia Stray

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2020
I think all of you are taking it the wrong way. This isnt a moderation type thing, it's a welcoming group
because those questions are asked in #staff-help for a reason. To be helped by staff.
Not all questions are only things staff can answer. Common questions like "how do I link my account" can be answered by literally the entire community. Theres nothing obnoxious about giving a helping hand


Forum Veteran
Jan 5, 2017
Maastricht, the Netherlands
Not all questions are only things staff can answer. Common questions like "how do I link my account" can be answered by literally the entire community. Theres nothing obnoxious about giving a helping hand
Correct, the entire community. Why should we have a separate group for this? That's the thing I'm on about.


Forum Veteran
Jan 5, 2017
Maastricht, the Netherlands
They don't even look at this list rn. How and why would they suddenly look to ranks which attract less attention (since if this will be a thing, their rank will definitely be lower than all the staff members).
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