Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Nov 21, 2017
Today again, I met numerous laggers and ofcourse tried my best, but unfortunately this doesn't always work. At the end of the day I met a lagger called something like zNightmqre_BG. He had a ping of 500, yes you read that well, 500 ping. So, we start the game normally, and then we meet him. I hit him and hit him etc. And out of NOWHERE my guy teleports behind me, and now he is at a distance of 30 blocks. I attack him again and he teleports around me and has crits when not even jumping... so I died. This happens almost every game and I'm DONE with this insane abuse. Kb? NO. Let me give an example: I combo someone with a block, I even counted my hits. 50 full hits while running and guess how many blocks she moves? 2, let's look further at the abuse. The hits. It's nearly IMPOSSIBLE to hit someone when they are around 100-200 ping. This is the perfect ping for them to hit from around 5 to 8 blocks. And you can say like 'yes but so many people lag and can't do anything about it', and 'You suck!'. When lagging THIS MUCH, consider choosing another hobby. Because this is absolutely insane and can't go further on, it RUINS every damn game. So, being this critic you can also expect a solution. And I have one. My idea is to make 2 different servers. One for below 100 ping and the other for everything above. Have a good day, and remember, think before act.
laggers are tier 1


Forum Expert
Aug 18, 2019
Today again, I met numerous laggers and ofcourse tried my best, but unfortunately this doesn't always work. At the end of the day I met a lagger called something like zNightmqre_BG. He had a ping of 500, yes you read that well, 500 ping. So, we start the game normally, and then we meet him. I hit him and hit him etc. And out of NOWHERE my guy teleports behind me, and now he is at a distance of 30 blocks. I attack him again and he teleports around me and has crits when not even jumping... so I died. This happens almost every game and I'm DONE with this insane abuse. Kb? NO. Let me give an example: I combo someone with a block, I even counted my hits. 50 full hits while running and guess how many blocks she moves? 2, let's look further at the abuse. The hits. It's nearly IMPOSSIBLE to hit someone when they are around 100-200 ping. This is the perfect ping for them to hit from around 5 to 8 blocks. And you can say like 'yes but so many people lag and can't do anything about it', and 'You suck!'. When lagging THIS MUCH, consider choosing another hobby. Because this is absolutely insane and can't go further on, it RUINS every damn game. So, being this critic you can also expect a solution. And I have one. My idea is to make 2 different servers. One for below 100 ping and the other for everything above. Have a good day, and remember, think before act.
I didnt even need to read farther then the title to disagree with this, i along with just about every non-european player gets over 100 ping and I feel like removing these players would not only be unfair but also would kill the server. (i personally live 9000km away from the host so it is not physically possible for me to get under 100 ping)


Aug 18, 2017
I didnt even need to read farther then the title to disagree with this, i along with just about every non-european player gets over 100 ping and I feel like removing these players would not only be unfair but also would kill the server. (i personally live 9000km away from the host so it is not physically possible for me to get under 100 ping)
Then do something else, and 2 different servers would be fine too.


Feb 9, 2020
lol good said mate


Aug 18, 2017
I agree :)
Mate, YOU delegtimized your own comment.
ODCOURSE I know what ping is, the packages traveling between the device and the servers etc. This still can create lag, when further away packages take longer to travel. Kinda logical, think before act. Because this comment of yours is really dumb.


Aug 18, 2017
Unfortunately a lot of people get more than a hundred ping on the server. If we were to do this a significant chunk of the player base would be removed. Cubecraft isn’t a competitive server per se, so sacrificing so much just so the people with low ping are pleased would be a bad move. I found your post rather exaggerated as well, I get anywhere form 160 to 210 ping and I don’t think I can hit people from 8 blocks away. Laggers aren’t completely unbeatable, and they’re part of the game it’s just something you’d have to get used to
I play on this server nearly since the beginning and this is not something you can get used to.


Aug 18, 2017
You are over exaggerating. I mean, when I play a game of eggwars and after an hour I have internet problems for a few seconds I get kicked? That’s nonsense. Imo laggers are less annoying than hackers and there is just nothing to do about. And you get killed by a lagger every game as you said? That’s quite unique.
No, now you are just changing my words. I said that specific game I died. I often kill them but some laggers lag so much it is impossible to kill them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
@Y1j_ When posting a suggestion you have to accept criticism. You sound like we are not allowed to have a negative opinion. My opinion on this: Anyone could have a split second of bad connection and get kicked. Also, players that play in Asia or America for example would constantly get kicked because they are so far from the servers.


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
meow meow
I would write a long story about what ping actually means, but since Eli has already written the exact thing I would, I won't repeat it.

Surely meeting 'laggers' in-game isn't fun, and I know what kind of awful situations it can put you in. However, you'll just have to deal with it. It's purely pathetic what you address them as. You're purely referring to the fact that you want most players outside of Europe or really anywhere where they have high ping 'gone', or it seems like it, just because they have high(er) ping. I do not think we should kick players just because they do. While CubeCraft might be a European server, we allow all nationalities on our server and it should stay like that. Just because someone lives in another continent, it shouldn't mean we have to get rid of them. All players should be able to play CubeCraft and have as much fun as anyone else. For instance, at some moments in lobby #1, people's ping often go up just because of the lobby itself and the amount of people in it. Not because of one person lagging. For example, someone would usually have 16ms, but just because they're in that lobby at the wrong moment, it goes up to 500ms. It is just an example, but I've seen it happen extremely often. It's not the players' fault. Or sometimes a player might lag out while they usually don't, during a game. It wouldn't be fair to kick them just because they have a bad connection for one split second.
Another example why this community doesn't work, toxic kids all around saying things like 'ur trash', even the staff can't have a formal conversation with you, really childish.
While staff may indeed represent the server and should all be able to have a formal conversation, you should be able to take jokes and criticism like this. I personally think the joke Story made is a bit unsuited for these kind of conversations/suggestions. However, just because one staff member isn't serious on one specific thread, doesn't mean they can't have a formal conversation.

Sorry, wrong. This is Ping.
Let's not derail on serious threads, please.
He’s not staff
All helpers, moderators, senior moderators, admin team members, developers, translators and designers are considered part of our (staff) team; Team CubeCraft.


Dedicated Member
Feb 20, 2016
Fun fact, getting better internet has nothing to do with lower ping if you live on the other side of the world... Internet goes at the speed of light, which can circle the earth 7 times a second, this means it already takes 142 ms to go around the earth once...

So lets say if you live in australia, which is on the other side of the world compared to the hostlocation in france, it already takes 142:2 (half of the earth) = 71 ms to reach your network, then it takes a few ms inside of your homenetwork to reach your pc, and then it has to travel back another 71 ms... this means you get AT LEAST 150 ms if you live on the exact other side of the world... That means you have a ping of at least 150

I agree that laggers can be annoying, but that doesnt mean they should practically get banned!
Deff a NO
and no, I dont say this bc I am a lagger myself, I usually get 10-15 ping!


Dedicated Member
Feb 20, 2016
Then do something else
There isn't anything he can do... As he already said, it is physically impossible to get a ping sub 100... The explanation is already stated by me in an earlier comment.
and 2 different servers would be fine too
Dont forget Hosting isn't free... Have you donated to the server? If you have, feel free to complain about not having 2 servers, but if you havent donated, I dont think you have the right to demand more servers...
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Forum Expert
Feb 23, 2020
Sweden ♡
Sorry but I dislike and do not agree for so Manny reasons, I won’t write all of them because so Manny people have already mentioned them. I think that this idea would destroy Cubecraft so -1.
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