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Should freebuild be put into maintenance again to get fixed?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2014
Creative used to be the place that everyone went to if they were bored, if they wanted to make new friends on the server, or if they wanted to build. In my opinion, the old creative is better than all of the games on CubeCraft (besides quake craft, i love that game).

Now, there is nobody on it. Nobody to talk to, nobody to build with. (The isolated floating islands dont help either)

The heart of the CubeCraft community was on creative. Everyone was helping eachother, and everyone was making friends there. Its also where maps for games came from. It was the best place to be.

I would wait another year to have a good creative server. I think that almost everyone who used to play on creative can say that the new one is awful. I think the idea of floating island plots was cool, but poorly executed. Not trying to hate on the devs, because I know they worked hard on this, but single, isolated islands? Are they trying to make us feel alone, not welcomed? And giving us tiny plots, and telling us to pay points to make them bigger? The plots on the old creative were much bigger than the new ones. Luckily th EULA is in place, or else we would be paying money for more plots & bigger plots.
I know that one of the reasons creative got put into maintenance because there were so many people that it was lagging the server. But thats a good thing right? Dont change something that isnt broken. I know that it was crashing a lot, but they could have just made more creative servers, so people can split up and not have the servers lag out.

Please put it back into maintenance, and bring back the feel of the old creative. Make it the heart of the community again.

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Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
Can we get an official response, please?
I want to know:
-Why Worldedit was intentionally left out
-Whether Creative will actually be fixed or not
-Why Admins aren't reinstated to their previous level of importance, so that they can update the game themselves
-Why they know this thread exists, but aren't responding to it

Wasn't there a massive fuss made about making the server look more presentable by not copying other servers? How does half the server being unplayable make it look presentable in any way?


Forum Veteran
Dec 6, 2015
the Netherlands
Just found back a few responses from Tacos from my old huge suggestion thread, not sure if this are the awnser we are looking for but I'll share them anyways.

- Reduce the Prize to buy / upgrade any plot,
Getting your plot starts with 1000 Points, and in return you get one that's really small wich is not worth it.
The next Upgrade costs 1000 Points aswell I believe, and the next one 1500 Points. Then you get a decent size 72 x 72 wich is not worth 3500 Points. Then the final size is 122 x 122, wich is 5000 FREAKING POINTS! Honestly! I mean yes, doubling the size of a decent plot should costs more but FIVE FREAKING THOUSAND! It takes so much time just to be able to collect all these points.

The amount of points required should heavily be reduced.
This is done to keep server lag low. The problem with the old freebuild servers (Skyblock and Factions included) is that there was simply too much data for the server to hold onto. The map file for each world was absolutely enormous, and this new system really helps manage it. We only want people to have big plots if they're dedicated to playing on Creative, so we charge them some points to weed out people who play once or twice, then leave. This keeps server data from unused plots to a minimum and keeps lag and crashes down a lot.

- Remove this Diamonds System,
The Diamond System makes no sence. First of all, all Staff plots get in the first page. Yes Efcluke's plots are amazing and deserve the top 3 but let's take Rubik's Halloween Plot for example. It's very small, has a bit of parkour and is not detailed that much. Yet somehow it comes in the top page, why? Because he is staff. Then you also have 2 plots of Andyschofie wich are big but ALMOST have nothing on it. Yet somehow it's top rated because he's Staff.
Outside of the Staff Plots the most worthless plots gets top rated aswell. I mean the most builds are just parkour our EXTREMELY POURLY detailed plots wich don't even deserve to reach page 100. A while ago @Pegozo invited me to her plot, and for once I was legit impressed. She built a giant Mega Charizard Y, and it was legit one of the best FreeBuild builds I have seen out there! So Pegoze had been advertising this plot for around a week.
Back to the diamonds, the top player plot is just lame parkour wich has 3500 Diamonds if I'm right. A week of advertising for her amazing plot only got her 500 DIAMONDS! Crap parkour gets 7x more Diamonds while her plot had 50x more effort and detail.

The Diamonds are just not balanced as only the bad plots receive top page
That's just how every competition ever is. Think about student government in high school; popular kids always win, even if they're a poor candidate. The diamond system isn't the problem; people are.

- Host Building Competitions again,
Last Halloween Building Competition was fun, many people used FreeBuild to make awesome creations so they could build for a prize. But what happened with these competitions? I mean we didn't have a Christmas Building Competition! Why!? These things keep it alive and attract people to play FreeBuild.

Sounds fun! Maybe around the holidays, we'll do some more comps?

- The complicated Friends system,
First of all, why do friends have to be online in order to add them? Also why does the plot shut down when you leave!? What if you want your friend to be able to continue building? I also think the system should be more easy to use, just add a /plot add command, no more struggles! This is the most easy way to fix this issue. Second of all, why can only friends be added to your plot? I mean why can't I add some strangers to my plot? Getting griefed is at your own risk so why not do it?

Again, this is to reduce lag. We need every last bit of memory and storage space, as the creative server will only grow more and more. With this system, we keep loaded chunks to the absolute minimum. Second, we don't want people getting griefed: simple as that. We don't have the time or resources to deal with griefers, as they're literally everywhere, sooo we do this instead.


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
Just found back a few responses from Tacos from my old huge suggestion thread, not sure if this are the awnser we are looking for but I'll share them anyways.
"This is done to keep the server lag low"
So give it to people through playtime ON CREATIVE. Don't force them to leave the gamemode and play eight hours of Skywars just to get a little bit more space to work with. Also, why not have an auto-wipe system? Plots that go unused for six months, unless protected, get removed from the world.

"The diamond system isn't the problem; people are"
This isn't an answer; it's an excuse. If the diamonds system is a problem, which it is, then remove it. Have Admins decide whose plots are added to the spotlight.

"Maybe around the holidays, we'll do some more comps?"
Yes please. Not really sure why competitions are so scarce nowadays, when they really hyped up the forums and often required little to no resources.

"We need every last bit of memory and storage space"

I do agree with this though. If you want your friends to be able to build whilst you're offline, you can just afk on the plot. It is inconvenient though nonetheless.
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Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
So give it to people through playtime ON CREATIVE. Don't force them to leave the gamemode and play eight hours of Skywars just to get a little bit more space to work with
This will also ultimately increase the quality of plots, and the satisfaction that players get after creating said plots. If they had to earn a plot expansion, say through placing a set number of blocks, actively building on said plot, or just through overall playtime, then what is built will be more appreciated.

"But the afk machines!!"
If somebody is willing to afk for eight hours for a plot expansion, then doesn't that show their dedication to Creative mode?

"But it's not as simple as points"
But Creative was in maintenance for a year


Forum Veteran
Oct 27, 2015
Behind the command block
@Mac @Efcluke94 @johncoles @rubik_cube_man @Marco Slater @toropov @hub3rt

Tagging you again because you have had enough time to think about this. I know that some of you saw this when I first posted it (... was last seen viewing Why freebuild failed).

Please consider this. Read the comments. Check the poll and the number of likes on my first post. Listen to the community. Answer all questions. Thanks.


Dedicated Member
Jun 28, 2016
Also I think the enforement of spam mutes in freebuild kinda killed it :p every popular creative server I go on has a lot of spam in the chat for advertising plots :p You can't really have a large dedicated without allowing players to advertise their roleplays, parkour, various competitions, ect. to the extent where they can get enough players to join them :3 The lack of World Edit one of the main reason I don't play but also the lag is too much for noteblocks which is what i like to do on creative servers :( I don't really see freebuild becoming a success without a complete overall. If someone really wants a creative server they can easily search up creative servers and find one with bigger plots, less lag, world edit (for voting probably), and a much more active community if you just want to mess around with other people rather than creating your own plot :p Inability to change your gamemode is another reason I don't play freebuild as well but it doesn't have that as much of an effect as the other reasons
Well. Servers do allow advertisement for their own plots but they basically state that you are allowed to lightly advertise your plot to gain publicity but if it turns into spam it is muteable. The smartest thing I saw servers doing was basically people could customize a custom advertising message that would play every ~10 minutes when they were online. I think what killed freebuild the most were the horrendously expensive plots.
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