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Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
@Blom I just want to point out my quote is more based on minerware and how teaming is actually just worst on minerware than on pillar of fortune as it does majorly change the game and unlike Pillar of Fortune, you have to wait for the game to end. Where in pillar of fortune, if you die then that's it, you can just go to a different game.

I wonder if adding a duo mode would solve this problem though, and I wonder how a duo mode would work.
I mean, it still doesn't take away for the fact that teaming increases chances of winning by a lot? as I said, minerware teaming is also arguable, but that's a different discussion for which I have my own opinion which is quite similar to Eli's.

I don't want to take your quotes out of perspective but I think in both perspectives it implies the exact same.

As long as I can't predict when a player will get an ender dragon spawn egg or some other stuff like that, that's a no. As long as there is an element of complete randomness with this much impact, that's a no.
Lucky Islands has a very high predictability. Not a 100% one, but it is equally unlikely to get a sharpness 3 diamond sword over 3 shulkers for example. Obviously, not every game is the same, and there will be randomness, but tactics like jumping down immediately, building up directly or waiting for someone to jump on you are all valid tactics, no matter what items you are handed.

with there being nothing wrong with it other than the fact it gets very irritating to the players who are not in those parties.
Isn't this the inherent point? Getting an unfair advantage over other people? The objective you are stating is "you vs death", but teaming turns it into "you vs environment + 3 friends with you as bounty". I am curious about what your view is on the harm done to the casual players in regards to the little more fun players can have by eliminating the other people first and only to secure them a win.


Forum Expert
Sep 11, 2022
Somewhere in the North pole
I mean, it still doesn't take away for the fact that teaming increases chances of winning by a lot? as I said, minerware teaming is also arguable, but that's a different discussion for which I have my own opinion which is quite similar to Eli's.

I don't want to take your quotes out of perspective but I think in both perspectives it implies the exact same.
Just wanted to say exactly what I meant Incase there any misunderstandings. Just wanted to show that it something I'm personally okay with as I don't personally see it as a big of a issue as I'm okay with teaming in Minerware which I see as a bigger issue. Wasn't meant to be a debunk for your opinion but just making mine more clearer if that makes sense.
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Novice Member
Feb 23, 2023
Getting an unfair advantage over other people?
Its not unfair as long as the mode is basically a FFA with random items.

I am curious about what your view is on the harm done to the casual players in regards to the little more fun players can have by eliminating the other people first and only to secure them a win.
First of all, casuals are generally not gonna be massively influenced by that. The element of luck in this game is massive, to the point that most stuff that will ruin the fun is not gonna come form teamers, "trolls" and what not, and its not like you have teamers in parties every second or third game, and even the teamers that I encountered generally had a low impact on the whole game.

It is bad for casuals that some players abuse the lack of anti-teaming rules, but its the same type of inconvenience as someone spawning an ender dragon, a wither, or deciding to kill themselves and grabbing someone along with them.

What I am trying to say is: teaming is bad for casuals, yes, but nowhere near the level of the games design itself. I think casuals are gonna be way more irritated and have their fun ruined way more by a random wither, a random ender dragon, or a guy suddenly running up to them in full armor or randomly throwing snowballs at them or using a fishing rod to throw them off their tower, etc., than they are at a bunch of randoms deciding to be bffs ingame.

Hell, the whole reason I believe teaming is okay in this mode, besides the already mentioned "everyone vs death" thing, is the complete randomness of the mode. As long as ender dragon spawns are possible, teamers are the absolute least of anyones worries and don't influence the fun from the game nearly as much as the games own randomness.
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