Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Forum Professional
Mar 13, 2015
Beyond time and space
First off, the rant. Don't read this if you're easily triggered, but don't argue against my opinion or the suggestions if you haven't fully read my rant. I'm always open to criticism, but not to ignorance and stupidity because you have't read the full message. Thanks.

Oke so this part is the rant just wanted to mention that.
I'll mainly be reacting on these comments, if you want my opinion just read this thread and all it's comments: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/remove-f-from-the-chat-filter.200800/

"The amount of reports we have received the past few months which contain swearing in party chat or /fmsg is insane. Apparently enough players do not feel comfortable when something like that happens in a "known environment" as you guys call it since it is amongst "friends".""

The amount of reports which contain swearing in party chat or fmsg have gone up in the last month not because people suddenly started to swear out there a lot out of the blue, but because reporters (read: helper wannabes) have nothing else to report anymore. Sentinel took care of the hackers, and the new punishment system took care of the crossteamers. So what do you do when you want a lot of reports but those things are barely happening anymore? You look for something else to report to get that report number up to put it in your signature because obviously that's how you'll get helper the fastest nowadays, and thus begins the reporting of swearing in party chat and /fmsg. There are no other things to report anymore and people are desperate for reports.

Once again, if you don't like the people in your friend list or party because they use words that offend you, all you need to do is unfriend them or leave the party. It's not a problem. (unless your goal is to report as many players as possible, in that case you stay in the party and try to get those sweet mutes don't you?)

"I understand "some" players want to be able to type certain messages in party chat or /fmsg their friends which contain swearwords. However I think it's also possible to have a fun time with each other without swearing."

A simple look at the poll of these threads: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/fix-the-new-update.200731, https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/remove-f-from-the-chat-filter.200800 defeats the "some" argument. It's the large majority and you can't deny that. It's also not just swearwords, also links, lenny faces, whatever. More on that in the actual suggestion.

Sure it's possible, but players don't like it, and it will cause them to leave:
As soon as lowpixel has a 1.9 gamemode pvp kinda thing and this idiotic chatfilter is still here, im outta here. Cube is shooting itself in the foot with the "official minecraft partner" stuff. I suspect it will be just as successful as realms.

Also, if those guys owning minecraft now really didn't want players to swear, why limit it to partnered servers? Why not throw in a chatfilter in the next update? Because they know it's gonna ruin their game if they do.
I've started playing more on MC Central since the chat update, and would play HeliosGaming if there were any players on it.
Btw don't play on those servers.
Agreed. These days the only reason I play cubecraft is because its 1.9, at this rate as soon as another big server adds 1.9 pvp I'll probably be there faster than the chat filter blocks out the word "noob"

"The recent chat filter change has been a debated topic ever since it was introduced. As it stands right now with being a Microsoft and Xbox partner we are required to follow certain guidelines in regards to specific functions in the server to make the server be accessible to all ages."

"Debated topic":


For what it's worth, swearing was originally going to be allowed in party chats when the idea was first proposed.

Images from @Landviz and @Sophie

Seeing these images, I wouldn't call it "debated", more like "decided against popular opinion because of silly reasons"

I also highly doubt that those certain guidelines you are required to follow mention that the server must specifically block the characters "F" or "L". I also doubt they specifically mention that players are not allowed to speak Russian or proper Spanish in chat, nor are allowed to put a lenny face in chat, nor are allowed to send links to friends (when they freaking asked for the link as well for sctup's sake)

"We understand that you may feel frustrated that you no longer have the freedom to express things as you did before, but unfortunately in situations like this, our hands are tied"
(I highly recommend you to untie your hands if you want this server to not die)

I do not know the specifics, but could you just block the death threats and racial slurs etc, but keep words like "ez"(literally an abbreviation of the word "easy") and allow links?

"Both us and Microsoft want everyone of all ages to be able to have an enjoyable experience and this is one of the small ways we have to adjust for that."

"Enjoyable experience". One look at the polls and threads earlier mentioned should say enough about this. You're making the experience a whole less enjoyable to most of us, It's a fornicating fact. Adjusting for everyone of all ages to be able to have an enjoyable experience would be to change this update immediately, and sctuppen listen to your playerbase.

"I do hope you understand why this change was made and why it won’t be getting changed back anytime soon.
- theminecoder"

Nice finish line. Here's mine:
(credits @Guildmaster )

"Gonna lock this thread as well because it is a non-debatable topic. New threads about this topic will also be linked here."

I dare you to link this thread.


Complaining threads and threads suggesting alternatives:

EDIT: More

The suggestion:
Make a chatfilter in party chat toggleable and have the default on ON. Also remove the rule making it punishable to swear in general, for example "Shit I died". (so targeted chat offense like "<> you" still counts, don't worry I'm not an anarchist).

This makes the majority of players now unhappy with the update happy again.
People can send each other links again. (for instance an imgur link of a screenshot I want to send to @jollow250 )
It will decrease the chat reports. This is a good thing unless you want to brag about how many friends you have betrayed, in which case I say to you: Go ahead and start a poll to ask for making it reportable again, let's see how many people will agree with you.

Second suggestion:
Replace blocked words in normal chat with asterisks (Sylly you *****) so we don't have to type in the whole message again because 1 character is censored. If somehow you absolutely hate this, please instead at least change the message from "You are not allowed to say this" to "You are not allowed to say <word>"



Hi I'm back with another suggestion.


Alright suggestion is: Change pchat text to another color or make it customizable for the love of everyone please. Party chat is meant to be extra distinguishable from normal chat. With everything being yellow that doesn't work. Just add a command called /p chatcolor <color>



E: oh about this: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/f...ip-is-no-longer-an-excuse.201763/#post-935449

@skifby , The reason made that thread is because one of the thread I linked to was locked because of an excuse that was now found to be false. I can't bump the threads so how else am I supposed to bring it back to attention?
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Senior Moderator
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
May 2, 2016
Like I said in one of the threads, people should be able to chat freely everywhere in minecraft, roblox and even Cubecraft instead of being stuck with limited words. The update is useless, because people could just use steam and Skype to chat with or find other ways to bypass it. :/
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Forum Expert
Mar 16, 2016
Second suggestion:
Replace blocked words in normal chat with asterisks (Sylly you *****) so we don't have to type in the whole message again because 1 character is censored. If somehow you absolutely hate this, please instead at least change the message from "You are not allowed to say this" to "You are not allowed to say <word>"
I would prefer that over blocking the whole message, just one potential issue i see: Will swearing in private chats generally be allowed then? What happens if you use an offensive word that is not on the filter or mistype a word and accidentially bypass it? Will typos become punishable?

After all, I'm afraid we can't really beat the "Mojang forced us to do this" argument. It doesn't matter if we believe it or not, or if we have was better solutions for this issue.


Forum Professional
Mar 13, 2015
Beyond time and space
Will swearing in private chats generally be allowed then? What happens if you use an offensive word that is not on the filter or mistype a word and accidentially bypass it? Will typos become punishable?
The filter in private chats will be toggleable, so people can post links and other things there that would normally not be possible in normal chat. Asterisking the link would ruin the point of this, so that's why the toggleable option stays there.
What happens if you use an offensive word that is not on the filter or mistype a word and accidentially bypass it?
In my opinion targeted chat offenses stay punishable, asterisked or not.
After all, I'm afraid we can't really beat the "Mojang forced us to do this" argument. It doesn't matter if we believe it or not, or if we have was better solutions for this issue.
I also highly doubt that those certain guidelines you are required to follow mention that the server must specifically block the characters "F" or "L". I also doubt they specifically mention that players are not allowed to speak Russian or proper Spanish in chat, nor are allowed to put a lenny face in chat, nor are allowed to send links to friends (when they freaking asked for the link as well for sctup's sake)
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Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
"Enjoyable experience". One look at the polls and threads earlier mentioned should say enough about this. You're making the experience a whole less enjoyable to most of us, It's a fornicating fact. Adjusting for everyone of all ages to be able to have an enjoyable experience would be to change this update immediately, and sctuppen listen to your playerbase.

Warning: Unpopular opinions lie below

Small inconveniences matter. What keeps players on a server are an overwhelming number of good experiences that cancel out any number of bad experiences. Being told you cannot type something because it unintentionally includes a foreign curse word is annoying. Being told you cannot post an innocent link upon request is annoying. Being given a party chat but then being muted for swearing in private is annoying. I'm sorry to say, but these inconveniences wouldn't matter so much if CCG actually provided good content. Nowadays, it simply doesn't deliver. It's PvP, with a second batch of PvP, followed with a gluttonous dose of PvP on the side. The "community" now consists of a vocal minority of helper "wannabes" and toxic FFA players. This server has always been as family-friendly as possible, which is okay, but to say mature audiences cannot swear in party chats is borderline unfair.

If Mojang won't allow a toggleable chat filter for party chats only, or the proposed idea of replacing filter words with asterisks in party chats only, then maybe they're too unreasonable to be worth partnering with. This is the company after all, that's worth billions of dollars yet thinks adding a polar bear or a reskinned villager after a six-month period of stagnation is acceptable. Or... proposing a PvP update that's as simple as dealing more damage when in rhythm, and then taking over a year to complete it. Billion-dollar company, everybody... taking over a year to release one update.

Even High Pickle has passed a profanity filter today. If the biggest server on Minecraft sees value in adding one, surely it's not a bad idea. just a side-note, but I do not want any changes to be made to public chat, minus allowing certain links such as Imgur or the Cubecraft forums. Swearing should absolutely be kept out of public chat, but not private chats.

Obviously with the recent response, we won't be seeing any change to the new system. That's a big shame, because it's going to alienate mature audiences even further. My advice would be to complain to Mojang... wait never mind, they got tens of thousands of angry responses regarding the EULA and didn't dignify it with so much as a statement. I'm personally going to continue to boycott the game, from now on out of protest. Mojang has got to be one of the trashiest companies out there. Don't blame Cubecraft at least, because it does seem they genuinely have no part in the decision.

I only ask that if possible, Cubecraft try to negotiate with Mojang to some degree. Perhaps propose having two separate filters; one for Console edition and one for the soon to be neglected Java edition. On console, the chat will function as it does currently. On Java, a 'toggle party filter' option be added to the settings menu, where filter words will be asterisked instead of flat-out restricted.


Senior Moderator
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
May 2, 2016
Warning: Unpopular opinions lie below

My advice would be to complain to Mojang... wait never mind, they got tens of thousands of angry responses regarding the EULA and didn't dignify it with so much as a statement. I'm personally going to continue to boycott the game, from now on out of protest. Mojang has got to be one of the trashiest companies out there. Don't blame Cubecraft at least, because it does seem they genuinely have no part in the decision.
I wonder if mojang does listen to its fanbase, instead of adding in random updates which make`s minecraft worse. :/
If they don`t, then its their own fault for ruining the game and making it become more dead every year. Older fans who are in their 20`s no longer support minecraft anymore, because mojang doesn`t care.
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Forum Expert
Mar 16, 2016
This is the company after all, that's worth billions of dollars yet thinks adding a polar bear or a reskinned villager after a six-month period of stagnation is acceptable. Or... proposing a PvP update that's as simple as dealing more damage when in rhythm, and then taking over a year to complete it. Billion-dollar company, everybody... taking over a year to release one update.
You mean the company that keeps not only fixing bugs but actually adding new content and improving the combat system 6 years after releasing the game? How many other non subscription based games have that?

Even High Pickle has passed a profanity filter today. If the biggest server on Minecraft sees value in adding one, surely it's not a bad idea. just a side-note, but I do not want any changes to be made to public chat, minus allowing certain links such as Imgur or the Cubecraft forums. Swearing should absolutely be kept out of public chat, but not private chats.
They have a very reasonable filter even in global chat. It only masks out the offensive word instead of blocking the whole message and they also have a player setting to disable the filter. (Just from reading the post, I didn't try it myself.)
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Senior Moderator
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
May 2, 2016
Would you refuse 2.5 billion dollars? I sure as heck won't.

It's still the same devs working on it though
Minecraft was already doing well before Microsoft took them over and now minecraft Is just greedy for money and dying at the same time. Sure, 2.5 billion is a lot, but its either the money or having a large fanbase which is already giving you money every month. :/
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Dedicated Member
Apr 22, 2017
to say mature audiences cannot swear in party chats is borderline unfair.
Ludacrisly unfair, featuring Mystikal*
It's not Mojang. It's Microsoft. They are the reason Minecraft: Failure Edition isn't going to be on PS3/4.
No, Sony are the reason. They don't allow crossplay so they can control the communities of PS games more. Even if they did allow crossplay, the bedrock edition wouldn't release on PS3 as its a last gen console that game releases and updates could be discontinued at any time.
Little late for that now.
Ik, it already drank a gallon of bleach with the new chat update. Stomedy's savage levels have been put to shame.
You mean the company that keeps not only fixing bugs but actually adding new content and improving the combat system 6 years after releasing the game? How many other non subscription based games have that?
1.9 was released WAY TOO LONG after 1.8.

Deleted member 169486

No, Sony are the reason. They don't allow crossplay so they can control the communities of PS games more. Even if they did allow crossplay, the bedrock edition wouldn't release on PS3
Right, a company is totally not allowing it's system to be used for a game, because that will totally stop people from moving TO A MICROSOFT (The company that owns Mojang) CONSOLE!
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Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
You mean the company that keeps not only fixing bugs but actually adding new content and improve the combat system 6 Years after releasing the game? How many other non subscription based games have that?
Considering Realms is a subscription-based service, the company is worth billions of dollars, and each seasonal-at-best update features a handful of mostly useless additions, this isn't exactly respectable. Most reputable companies, big and small, fix bugs, so let's not get ahead of ourselves and praise Mojang just for having a functional game. Minecraft isn't just an any other game; it's the second-best-selling game of all time, yet is not even a decade old. We should be able to hold them to a greater standard. They should be the best company on the market, not just average.

If they want to keep their game alive, they need to do something with it. Even the biggest sandbox game in the world gets boring after six years.

Edit: They seem to be making more harmful changes than helpful ones, come to think of it. The EULA was a far messier situation than it needed to be, the 1.9 change was one of the most hated things in the game's history, and now they've inadvertently caused a big scene on the CCG forums :x

AFreakingCookie (Hank)

Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2016
First off, the rant. Don't read this if you're easily triggered, but don't argue against my opinion or the suggestions if you haven't fully read my rant. I'm always open to criticism, but not to ignorance and stupidity because you have't read the full message. Thanks.

Oke so this part is the rant just wanted to mention that.
I'll mainly be reacting on these comments, if you want my opinion just read this thread and all it's comments: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/remove-f-from-the-chat-filter.200800/

"The amount of reports we have received the past few months which contain swearing in party chat or /fmsg is insane. Apparently enough players do not feel comfortable when something like that happens in a "known environment" as you guys call it since it is amongst "friends".""

The amount of reports which contain swearing in party chat or fmsg have gone up in the last month not because people suddenly started to swear out there a lot out of the blue, but because reporters (read: helper wannabes) have nothing else to report anymore. Sentinel took care of the hackers, and the new punishment system took care of the crossteamers. So what do you do when you want a lot of reports but those things are barely happening anymore? You look for something else to report to get that report number up to put it in your signature because obviously that's how you'll get helper the fastest nowadays, and thus begins the reporting of swearing in party chat and /fmsg. There are no other things to report anymore and people are desperate for reports.

Once again, if you don't like the people in your friend list or party because they use words that offend you, all you need to do is unfriend them or leave the party. It's not a problem. (unless your goal is to report as many players as possible, in that case you stay in the party and try to get those sweet mutes don't you?)

"I understand "some" players want to be able to type certain messages in party chat or /fmsg their friends which contain swearwords. However I think it's also possible to have a fun time with each other without swearing."

A simple look at the poll of these threads: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/fix-the-new-update.200731, https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/remove-f-from-the-chat-filter.200800 defeats the "some" argument. It's the large majority and you can't deny that. It's also not just swearwords, also links, lenny faces, whatever. More on that in the actual suggestion.

Sure it's possible, but players don't like it, and it will cause them to leave:

"The recent chat filter change has been a debated topic ever since it was introduced. As it stands right now with being a Microsoft and Xbox partner we are required to follow certain guidelines in regards to specific functions in the server to make the server be accessible to all ages."

"Debated topic":


For what it's worth, swearing was originally going to be allowed in party chats when the idea was first proposed.

Images from @Landviz and @Sophie

Seeing these images, I wouldn't call it "debated", more like "decided against popular opinion because of silly reasons"

I also highly doubt that those certain guidelines you are required to follow mention that the server must specifically block the characters "F" or "L". I also doubt they specifically mention that players are not allowed to speak Russian or proper Spanish in chat, nor are allowed to put a lenny face in chat, nor are allowed to send links to friends (when they freaking asked for the link as well for sctup's sake)

"We understand that you may feel frustrated that you no longer have the freedom to express things as you did before, but unfortunately in situations like this, our hands are tied"
(I highly recommend you to untie your hands if you want this server to not die)

I do not know the specifics, but could you just block the death threats and racial slurs etc, but keep words like "ez"(literally an abbreviation of the word "easy") and allow links?

"Both us and Microsoft want everyone of all ages to be able to have an enjoyable experience and this is one of the small ways we have to adjust for that."

"Enjoyable experience". One look at the polls and threads earlier mentioned should say enough about this. You're making the experience a whole less enjoyable to most of us, It's a fornicating fact. Adjusting for everyone of all ages to be able to have an enjoyable experience would be to change this update immediately, and sctuppen listen to your playerbase.

"I do hope you understand why this change was made and why it won’t be getting changed back anytime soon.
- theminecoder"

Nice finish line. Here's mine:
(credits @Guildmaster )

"Gonna lock this thread as well because it is a non-debatable topic. New threads about this topic will also be linked here."

I dare you to link this thread.


Complaining threads and threads suggesting alternatives:

The suggestion:
Make a chatfilter in party chat toggleable and have the default on ON. Also remove the rule making it punishable to swear in general, for example "Shit I died". (so targeted chat offense like "<> you" still counts, don't worry I'm not an anarchist).

This makes the majority of players now unhappy with the update happy again.
People can send each other links again. (for instance an imgur link of a screenshot I want to send to @jollow250 )
It will decrease the chat reports. This is a good thing unless you want to brag about how many friends you have betrayed, in which case I say to you: Go ahead and start a poll to ask for making it reportable again, let's see how many people will agree with you.

Second suggestion:
Replace blocked words in normal chat with asterisks (Sylly you *****) so we don't have to type in the whole message again because 1 character is censored. If somehow you absolutely hate this, please instead at least change the message from "You are not allowed to say this" to "You are not allowed to say <word>"

I agree. I mostly agree with when there is a time when you swear but you dont target to a player, then it should be fine. Its just that swearing in the form of targeting should be bannable.
If they do not fix ther server :

Chat ,the games , the limitation of using outdated versions , then cubecraft will die.


Dedicated Member
Oct 14, 2017
under your bed
What a great thread going on here about that horseshit of an update. Marvelously ranted Communist and (for the rest) marvelously shat on the already existing pile of pig feces that is the embodiment of this update. Keep it up, this had me entertained. You all flawlessy depicted my thoughts. That's all i say though since i really have nothing to add to all of this since i'm not that knowledgable about all the bombastic hocus pocus going on with Cube, Mojanghangchong and Microsyphilis. So don't mind me! Just a meaningless comment passing by.

Gj all.
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