Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
Dear admins,

This thursday, you posted a new article about the future of minecraft. In this article you say that you wanna update the game to 1.19 because the server is in a bad state having less than 1000 players online, and that you will have to shutdown java if this keeps continuing.

I get what you are doing, you have to take some measures to keep the server alive,
and the best way to do that is to remove all almost inactive gamemodes to spare money.

That isn't my problem. My problem is that you have waited with telling us this until 4 days before you are gonna remove most gamemodes and maps from the server.
Not even an announcement in the discord? Come on! At my opinion every player should have the right to know this. Now most players won't had the proper time to say (temporally) goodbye to their favourite maps.

My second reason why I think you hide this is because of the summer updates. You added a lot of new duel modes in the past few weeks, but now it got removed because most gamemodes (inclusive battle arena). So why would you remove a gamemode while you just updated it? Because this was one of your attempts trying to rescue cube without noticing the community.

My next reason is that you've been in this situation before. When you were planning to update the server to 1.12.2 you announced it 2 months before the update. You announced it more than once. What I really miss about the old Cube is the communication with its community. A few years ago you were more open about updates / changes, and we knew if a gamemode was gonna be removed (for example: battle zone).

I would request an apology to all cubecraft players..



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