Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. Saevire


    Best Cubecrafters, Everybody hate's hackers! I really love it to play 1.8 on this server... but there are Cheaters everywhere, So I suggesties to put Some sentinel/staff in 1.8.
  2. vodkaman2billion

    A report command that notifies Sentinel

    Ok, so before most of you guys start saying 'Oh, the /report command was removed due to a huge amount of abuse and false reports' and I agree. But all I want to say is that implementing a report command (For Example '/Sr <Player>' or '/Sentinel report <Player>') that notifies the newly...
  3. Foxy011

    Very poor Sentinel banning

    I just thought this needed to be pointed out, because I think this issue needs to be more looked in to and actually paid attention to. You may have seen my other post about how AmyFove_714 was inappropriately banned for no reason, but I thought I'd better get this message across to make you...
  4. Avocado Pie

    Skywars is unplayable (Bad AntiCheat)

    The servers anticheat is so bad. Half the skywars games I play, have hackers. I haven't yet seen the anticheat catch a hacker, but it has kicked myself and my friends several times. I would say this is cubecrafts biggest problem. Maybe use something like hypixels method, if a player is suspected...
  5. S0ftDrink

    Sorry for complaining... but

    So, my friends wanted me to go on cube craft I heard about it before and I knew it was a great server, I went on and play games as one would. I left my computer, came back and I saw I got banned for a week (6d 23h) and I was very confused because I do not use "illegal client modifications"...
  6. Noodl3Bowl

    Dear CubeCraft Staff (Suggestions) ...

    Dear CubeCraft Staff: I strongly suggest that you encourage your staff to message back people or hire staff to do so. It's very hard to get a hold of staff here as most of them never answer messages. For example if someone got banned for "hacking" , and they didn't, they could message...
  7. Niidikene


    Hey! It's been a long time and CubeCraft still doesn't do enyting to stop teaming in SOLO gamemodes! (Apart from reporting) Why don't you just wanr them at the beginning of the game, because everyone is teaming and they don't care about the rules! Also when I want to say "player1 and player2...
  8. LoonyRules


    I was too lazy to make a longer one and the stats are approximately 90% accurate.
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