Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net



    Bedrock Ideas for a PvP Games Rank!

    Welcome to my second suggestion! Hello! I'm here to suggest something else, it's not really as long a suggestion as last one. As we know, it is a matter of time that FFA and Duels receive their own lobby soon and maybe they also receive their own rank, I suppose it can be called PvP Games Rank...
  2. ParkourCanadian

    All Networks FFA map choosing

    So, I'm not 100% sure if the main point I am making in this thread has been posted about in the past. But if it has, sorry in advance. So I used to be a REALLY competitive player in FFA, and still am. Since about a few months ago, I've been having some troubles that I'd like to make apparent on...
  3. Puppyfied

    Bedrock Sniper Kit is op

    Problem: The Sniper Kit. The reason I dont really like it, is because of how easy it is to bow spam. With the sniper kit, people can just bow spam and each hit does 1 heart halfway charged. I think the idea of it is smart, but the bow does too much damage. I also havent seen many people with...
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