Hi everyone.
I wanted to recommend that turrets should be limited for teams and fireballs by time
I play more bedwars because of its dynamic and fast gameplay and that things makes bedwars different from eggwars. However, in game most of times(especially when I play with fast generators mode) at least one team camps and overuse turrets and it makes impossible to do fast rushes

Here some examples from one day of playing bedwars.
I think it will be good to make their limit 2 turrets per team or even 1.
The most ridiculous thing here is most of times that turrets make more kills than their owners. I mean they don't have any defending skills, they just spam that things during whole game.
And the second thing is obviously fireballs limiting. It was discussed and recommended plenty of times but I will say it one more time. PLEASE MAKE FIREBALLS WITH COOLDOWN. Of course, it shouldn't be 1 fireball per 30-40 sec like eggwars. Imo it will be good to allowing shooting 2 fireballs at same time and then put for them a cooldown.
That's all what I wanted to say. Thank you for reading
I wanted to recommend that turrets should be limited for teams and fireballs by time
I play more bedwars because of its dynamic and fast gameplay and that things makes bedwars different from eggwars. However, in game most of times(especially when I play with fast generators mode) at least one team camps and overuse turrets and it makes impossible to do fast rushes

Here some examples from one day of playing bedwars.
I think it will be good to make their limit 2 turrets per team or even 1.
The most ridiculous thing here is most of times that turrets make more kills than their owners. I mean they don't have any defending skills, they just spam that things during whole game.
And the second thing is obviously fireballs limiting. It was discussed and recommended plenty of times but I will say it one more time. PLEASE MAKE FIREBALLS WITH COOLDOWN. Of course, it shouldn't be 1 fireball per 30-40 sec like eggwars. Imo it will be good to allowing shooting 2 fireballs at same time and then put for them a cooldown.
That's all what I wanted to say. Thank you for reading