Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
Jul 20, 2022
Well I think I have a greatest idea for the Minecraft Froendlist

-Support My Proposal With An Example-

Well first of all I want you to guys imagine a normal day. You want to take a picture of beatiful sunset. But your phone's memory is full.
You wanted to clear some unnecesarry photos.
Would you do it 1 by 1 for deletion or you would choose all the unnecessary photos and Delete them in 1 process?
Well some of you guys might have choosed 1 by 1 but it is much Time consuming and unnecessary.

For example like this video:


Well what if we do that system in the Cubecraft for friendlists section?

-My Opinion Towards This İdea-

That would be cool and better way to save your day without caring about your friendlist for Hours.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2023
United States 🇺🇸
Can you clarify it a little?
I guess one thing for sure is you’re talking about how to make room for new friends when your friends list is full.
Can you explain how your proposed feature for removing certain friends would work?

Edit: I thought he was suggesting a feature that removes the most inactive friends on your list or something similar to that
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Forum Expert
May 25, 2022
Can you clarify it a little?
I guess one thing for sure is you’re talking about how to make room for new friends when your friends list is full.
Can you explain how your proposed feature for removing certain friends would work?
If I’m not mistaken, he’s proposing a feature that would instantly delete all friends from your list.
Jul 20, 2022
Well I think I have a greatest idea for the Minecraft Froendlist

-Support My Proposal With An Example-

Well first of all I want you to guys imagine a normal day. You want to take a picture of beatiful sunset. But your phone's memory is full.
You wanted to clear some unnecesarry photos.
Would you do it 1 by 1 for deletion or you would choose all the unnecessary photos and Delete them in 1 process?
Well some of you guys might have choosed 1 by 1 but it is much Time consuming and unnecessary.


Well what if we do that system in the Cubecraft for friendlists section?

-My Opinion Towards This İdea-

That would be cool and better way to save your day without caring about your friendlist for Hours.
Well I ment there instead of going all 1by1 Why dont we do it in 1 process of deletion

If I’m not mistaken, he’s proposing a feature that would instantly delete all friends from your list.
You are mistaken I told there instead of 1by1 we make the deletion process 1 time and choose whose going to be delete
like I didnt said delete all friends there I ment this

Can you clarify it a little?
I guess one thing for sure is you’re talking about how to make room for new friends when your friends list is full.
Can you explain how your proposed feature for removing certain friends would work?

Edit: I thought he was suggesting a feature that removes the most inactive friends on your list or something similar to that
Like I explained this situation to another people sorry for my bad english I just tried to say instead of Deleting 1by1 why dont we choose whose going to be delete and delete them 1 process. for example: When you have taken a photo but your phone's memory is full what would you do erase them 1by1? or would you choose all of them whose going to be deleted and delete them in 1 process

Making this change is also time consuming and unnecessary
Well my dear moderator. I have 1 simple challange for you. Why dont you expand your phone's memory with photo deletion 1by1? Like srs it is time consuming and I didnt said the removing all of your friends that would be stupid idea ever instead I said choose whose going to be deleted like your galery deletion

Delete all friends?
Could you please look at my post again I think you missunderstood

Deleting all friends is a bad idea.
Could you look at my post again I think you missunderstood (I put video to explain it)

Can you clarify it a little?
I guess one thing for sure is you’re talking about how to make room for new friends when your friends list is full.
Can you explain how your proposed feature for removing certain friends would work?

Edit: I thought he was suggesting a feature that removes the most inactive friends on your list or something similar to that
I put video to explain it could you look at my post thank you


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2023
United States 🇺🇸
I get it now, thank you for the video 👍

For the few specific friends that you want to remove, you could just select them and press delete, instead of having to do lots of button pressing trying to remove them one at a time.


Aug 3, 2023
Well I think I have a greatest idea for the Minecraft Froendlist

-Support My Proposal With An Example-

Well first of all I want you to guys imagine a normal day. You want to take a picture of beatiful sunset. But your phone's memory is full.
You wanted to clear some unnecesarry photos.
Would you do it 1 by 1 for deletion or you would choose all the unnecessary photos and Delete them in 1 process?
Well some of you guys might have choosed 1 by 1 but it is much Time consuming and unnecessary.

For example like this video:


Well what if we do that system in the Cubecraft for friendlists section?

-My Opinion Towards This İdea-

That would be cool and better way to save your day without caring about your friendlist for Hours.
What why would you want to remove your friends? We all make memories together and removing that friendship in game removes those memories.
Even if we grow apart the memory of being close is something I still hold dear to me
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Deleted member 592315

Well I think I have a greatest idea for the Minecraft Froendlist

-Support My Proposal With An Example-

Well first of all I want you to guys imagine a normal day. You want to take a picture of beatiful sunset. But your phone's memory is full.
You wanted to clear some unnecesarry photos.
Would you do it 1 by 1 for deletion or you would choose all the unnecessary photos and Delete them in 1 process?
Well some of you guys might have choosed 1 by 1 but it is much Time consuming and unnecessary.

For example like this video:


Well what if we do that system in the Cubecraft for friendlists section?

-My Opinion Towards This İdea-

That would be cool and better way to save your day without caring about your friendlist for Hours.
So what he means is to add a multi-select option, to accept/remove friends instead of doing them 1 by 1.


Moderator 🍰
Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
May 13, 2021
The country of beer and chocolate
Well my dear moderator. I have 1 simple challange for you. Why dont you expand your phone's memory with photo deletion 1by1? Like srs it is time consuming and I didnt said the removing all of your friends that would be stupid idea ever instead I said choose whose going to be deleted like your galery deletion
Why would I remove my photos one by one, what is this comparison, this doesn’t make any sense. You are comparing making/adding friends and making picture? It’s way easier to make a foto and delete than make a friend and remove a friend, at least I hope your friends aren’t just photos in your storage and just bulkdelete when you think it’s time


Aug 3, 2023
Why would I remove my photos one by one, what is this comparison, this doesn’t make any sense. You are comparing making/adding friends and making picture? It’s way easier to make a foto and delete than make a friend and remove a friend, at least I hope your friends aren’t just photos in your storage and just bulkdelete when you think it’s time
I mean in my eyes, I can remove a whole bunch of memes I have to help my storage on my phone, but why would I remove a whole bunch of people I see as friends? I only add good friends to my friends list because if I don't enjoy gaming with someone why would I add them? It seems rude to me to act like I enjoy some ones presence then just remove them from my friends
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Jul 20, 2022
Why would I remove my photos one by one, what is this comparison, this doesn’t make any sense. You are comparing making/adding friends and making picture? It’s way easier to make a foto and delete than make a friend and remove a friend, at least I hope your friends aren’t just photos in your storage and just bulkdelete when you think it’s time
I ment the multi selection bro. I just gave an Example so I dont have to explain it. You dont have to be rude in the first place.I didnt make any friends in this server ok? Jees at least show some respect bro. I dont see my friends as a photo. Maybe you had a great relationship with tour friends but I dont ok? Just wanted this stuff bc of my hope on community likes it. Bc it is a brand new idea. Non of any server has this option And it is %100 original idea. Maybe it is time consuming to make it as you said. But still I want to delete some of my friends like I have 120 Friends and non of them playing except some of my friends who loves cubecraft. I cant just delete all of them 1by1. Maybe the multi selection is good for this new feature doesnt it?
Jul 20, 2022
I mean in my eyes, I can remove a whole bunch of memes I have to help my storage on my phone, but why would I remove a whole bunch of people I see as friends? I only add good friends to my friends list because if I don't enjoy gaming with someone why would I add them? It seems rude to me to act like I enjoy some ones presence then just remove them from my friends
Well. Before Ibget VIP i had like so many people on my friendlist. Now it is up to 120 bro. And non of them are not playing except some of my friends who loves to play cubecraft. Just said an idea.
+ it is a brand new idea %100 original Idea. Non of any other server has this feature. Wouldn't that be great?
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