Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2014
The main Idea of this post is some protesting. I do not want angry comments debunking my theories, since they are just theories. Several things are talked about on this post. The first thing Is a problem with Rules in Plot Creative
The rules make sense to not spam but does "plot advertising" really count as spam? If you say
"tpa to check out my latest builds" and since it is considered "plot advertising", will you get banned for saying it once? And any spam can just be disabled by going into multiplayer settings and turning off chat. Or adding a global chat feature that can be turned on and off. These features for some reason, have not been thought of and Plot Creative might seem boring at some times. RPs, head shops, skin comps, and other events can cause spam but here people are restricted to build only creations. It's called "Creative" for a reason. Sadly, its not creative.
And why do I care about this you might ask? Am I just trolling the forums to look for Attention? No.
I care because I made a god item shop-Not specified on the rule list!- and while people were coming, one person teleported to me and he was a mod. OrangeGrapeEater to be exact. He examined my plot and stayed there. Shortly after, Creative crashed(It has crashed many times recently). When I came back, My plot was gone. I asked a moderator/builder what had happened. His words:

Luis976, what has happened was that your plot was located in a corrupted chunk. When Creative crashed, your plot was deleted.

After that, he simply left. Although did he have chunk detection or any means of detecting chunks? He was not even on when my plot was deleted and not on before. Do mods/builder have some sort of detection.
If his answer is not true, then I suspect my plot was deleted by OrangeGrapeAlex. This goes back to the rules. It clearly stated "Skin comps, name comps, head shops, and role plays are banned!" God item shops were not specified. You might reply that it refers to any general shop, but if they went to specify "name comps" and "head shops" then wouldn't "god item shops" be specified too?
Apparently, the server doesn't know about "god item shops" I was the only one who knew about them. God items are items that have special effects such as speed +0.1 and such. If OrangeGrapeAlex really did delete my shop, Did he delete it because I was trying to implement something new to the server? Something unheard of at CubeCraftCreative? Maybe.
My Second concern is the situation of KitPvP and donating.
Yes, the server has to make money, but KitPvP takes this too far. To level up you have to buy iron. Why not a level up with points? People have complained that CubeCraft is great but they also say that it has
one of the worst KitPvP servers they've ever seen. I've seen them complain. I am not making this up. I am also not saying this because I do not have donor rank and I am mad because I don't. It's not because of that.
Its a clever marketing technique. KitPvP is its own mini-server. By making level ups available only to donators, It convinces people to donate money to server for a level up on KitPvP. Clever marketing technique. But it has gone too far. With all these people being forced to donatate to higher ranks to get things such as "level 4 warrior" and "obsidian kit" It has been affecting the game Itself. It takes real luck, not PvP skill anymore to play KitPvP. With everyone running around with enchanted diamond swords and armor, KitPvP is really just how much you can donate to kill new players. Its "Buying yourself to victotry". Literally.
I've seen this for a year. In 2013 it was upgrade to iron to level up. 2014 and its still the same thing. How many guesses it will change for 2015?
There really is no chance for new players. In fact, I've seen players buy donator just get high killstreaks on KitPvP! No matter how much your argue, A skilled level 1 PvP master can't beat an enchanted diamond armor guy.
There also seems to be a lack of staff on the server. I've seen player break rules since there is almost no staff on. And contrary to what the rules say, people do give away their OP kits on KitPvP.
UHC needs to be fixed. Allowing players to create their own team names does give them Freedom instead of joining things like "Team Red" Or "Team Yellow" But the issue of the vanity license plate is on UHC.
Like the vanity license plate issue, people can abuse what they call their team names, adding curse/swear words, and advertising IPs. I am not aware of who these people are but they do abuse the team naming capability.
This has been a very long post about all of my concerns on the server. If a server admin/staff member thinks this post is not suitable, then you may do anything with it. I wish to continue playing on CubeCraftGames but some of the issues and bugs make me want to stop playing it.
I hope these issues can be resolved and some explantions can be made clearer about server rules.

-WowGuy, Mr.Cynic.
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Forum Expert
Oct 20, 2013
"The rules make sense to not spam but does "plot advertising" really count as spam?"
Yes it does.
"If you say "tpa to check out my latest builds" and since it is considered "plot advertising", will you get banned for saying it once?"
You'll be most likely warned first, or there'll be an announcement.
"RPs, head shops, skin comps, and other events can cause spam but here people are restricted to build only creations. It's called "Creative" for a reason"
Yes, and that's because of the gamemode you are in, not for people to come up with all sorts of random "creative" stuff (E.g: role plays&etc.) and spam the hell out of the chat with advertising them.
"And any spam can just be disabled by going into multiplayer settings and turning off chat."
Regular players shouldn't/don't have to turn off chat just because some people want to advertise/spam chat with role plays&etc.
" Or adding a global chat feature that can be turned on and off."
Another chat channel for this sort of stuff would be nice but read what I said above.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2014
I understand everything you have posted. But on rule of "no plot advertising" does it go to as far that you can't invite 1 player to go to your plot?


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2014
If this also falls under "plot advertising" then it will become ridiculous and my profile picture would make sense


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2014
The wouldn't people invite everyone through private chat? The apparent lack of staff doesn't help either, regardless of what the rules say, people still advertise for their plot which is why I thought it was allowed. There are usually no mods on Creative and some don't do their job now that I mention this.


Forum Expert
Feb 8, 2014
Land O' Corn
The wouldn't people invite everyone through private chat? The apparent lack of staff doesn't help either, regardless of what the rules say, people still advertise for their plot which is why I thought it was allowed. There are usually no mods on Creative and some don't do their job now that I mention this.
Quality not quantity
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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2014
And what about the KitPvP problem? Is it going to continue to be a Pay To Win?


Forum Expert
Jan 30, 2014
If there weren't any donor perks a lot less people would donate to keep the server going, also most people advertise there plot over and over again causing spam Which could lead to a mute and a lot of players don't want to turn off chat cause say they are needed somewhere or want to talk to people while the chat is being spammed by advertisers.


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
Rather than hating on people who donate for OP kits, just thank them for funding the server and go to assassins. This is much more fair for players of the stone kind. Your "OP item shop" was likely just removed due to a corrupt chunk, as orange specified, as i have heard a few complaints about a similar issue with plots being removed. On the other hand, shops are kinda roleplaying, so perhaps it was actually cleared. The team names for UHC will be fixed in a matter of days, for sure. Do you really think the owners would allow people to keep the freedom of swearing in their names? The reason there is no profanity filter for it is likely due to the fact that it was a highly anticipated game mode, and the owners didn't players to have to wait almost an entire month later, just so they can fix something that is easily ignored.
Finally, staff are human beings; they have lives, families, friends, just like you and i. Therefore most of them can't just play minecraft all day, and thus at times there will be a lack of staff. On the other hand, the /report command alerts ALL staff online at the time, to inform them of a situation. Alternatively, you could screenshot / record verbal abusers / hackers and post them here, on the forums, under the "report a player" section.


Forum Expert
Jan 21, 2014
I'd just like to point out that i never said what you quoted, and i deleted your plot as i contacted halothe23 about it, and he agreed that it is best of clearing the plot. 'Infinity fireworks' was one of the items you handed out, and creative is quite laggy as it is, never mind with multiple people spamming those types of fireworks. Plus, you where advertising your plot, that's what made me suspect you and TP to you. Another item that you handed out was some 'Glitch boots' i believe that's what they where called, this would make a player go insanely fast then TP back due to NCP. In theory, this would spam an admin with NCP alerts every-time the player tried using them. The items aren't necessary.
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Dedicated Member
Jun 8, 2014
Wall Maria, Shiganshina District,
Wait isnt creative a way to show people your own builds, e.g. Hey guys anyone want to check out my first hunger games map i built if you want the plot id is 000;000 so i wouldnt count that as spam, also on ccg you could have a spam filter which dosnt allow you to say something twice in a row
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Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
Wait isnt creative a way to show people your own builds, e.g. Hey guys anyone want to check out my first hunger games map i built if you want the plot id is 000;000 so i wouldnt count that as spam, also on ccg you could have a spam filter which dosnt allow you to say something twice in a row
I just use creative to build parkour maps, temples and huge structures whenever i get bored, or wanna test something out before building it on factions or SB.
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Forum Expert
Oct 20, 2013
Wait isnt creative a way to show people your own builds, e.g. Hey guys anyone want to check out my first hunger games map i built if you want the plot id is 000;000 so i wouldnt count that as spam, also on ccg you could have a spam filter which dosnt allow you to say something twice in a row
No, it is not. Point of creative is to build.
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UncleSpect wrote on Mr Jii Gamer's profile.
iTz1Hamood wrote on Thjis's profile.
Hi Thjis, thanks for accepting the report!

I just reported another one too rn:)
Xi1m wrote on tejas45674065's profile.
iTz1Hamood wrote on SunburnWarz's profile.
I love this summer name!
It's actually interesting name tbh
I wonder how you came up with it
Because it's realy first of its kind
And it just sounds cool:)

Have a great summer WarZ!:D
BicolourSine41 wrote on black moguss's profile.
Thanks for the follow! Have it back :D
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