Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. Blocky

    Top PVP excuses: The Awakening (Pt.2)

    Read the first part if you missed that one https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/top-pvp-excuses-the-begin.211693/#post-1019356 So i posted part 1 yesterday but i had many more in stock and people requested it so i decided to make part 2 ;). This time it involves a bit more references To games...
  2. Blocky

    Top PVP excuses: The Begin

    This started as a conversation in a discord server which resulted in a list full of truth (kinda) and jokes for the most part. So here are 100 pvp excuses for players that die due another player(s) killed them. (Note that most of this list are just a joke) And please just PLEASE after going...
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