Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. I

    Did I get all the quartz generators?

    Hey, just trying to figure out if I found all the quartz generators on the first nether island. I got 23. Do they generate randomly, or are they just kind of hidden? Some of them were in sorta random places, but I don't want to have to dig away like the entire island just to make sure I got...
  2. I

    Quest - Golden spoils

    Thanks! That's working pretty well. I had to make sure the space around the shaft was properly filled for a 4-block radius above and below the spawners so they didn't spawn outside the hole, but now they all drop straight down. I also found it helps to have a 1-block cactus in the corner that I...
  3. I

    Quest - Golden spoils

    Hm. I've tried that, and it doesn't seem to work. Like put the fence gates immediately under the spawners? Do I need to dig the tunnel wider? I'm in bedrock, does that make any difference?
  4. I

    Quest - Golden spoils

    Any suggestions on a simple way to drop them that far? I can't figure out how to push them into a shaft, and google has failed me.
  5. I


    I'm not having any luck on Google, either. I built a dropper, but have no way to push them into the shaft. Any suggestions on how to get them to fall so I don't have to hit them a hundred times each?
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