Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. Y1j_

    Java Kick all laggers above 100 ping.

    A designer is a staff member, do you even know what staff means?
  2. Y1j_

    Java Kick all laggers above 100 ping.

    No, now you are just changing my words. I said that specific game I died. I often kill them but some laggers lag so much it is impossible to kill them.
  3. Y1j_

    Java Kick all laggers above 100 ping.

    I play on this server nearly since the beginning and this is not something you can get used to.
  4. Y1j_

    Java Kick all laggers above 100 ping.

    Another example why this community doesn't work, toxic kids all around saying things like 'ur trash', even the staff can't have a formal conversation with you, really childish.
  5. Y1j_

    Java Kick all laggers above 100 ping.

    Mate, YOU delegtimized your own comment. ODCOURSE I know what ping is, the packages traveling between the device and the servers etc. This still can create lag, when further away packages take longer to travel. Kinda logical, think before act. Because this comment of yours is really dumb.
  6. Y1j_

    Java Kick all laggers above 100 ping.

    Then do something else, and 2 different servers would be fine too.
  7. Y1j_

    Java Kick all laggers above 100 ping.

    Ah another lagger who is upset
  8. Y1j_

    Java Kick all laggers above 100 ping.

    A competitive server and non-competitive server, as far as I know there are enough competitive players who think the same.
  9. Y1j_

    Java Kick all laggers above 100 ping.

    Ofcourse laggers want to keep their advantage, please don't act like a victim. I think my solution is optimal and should be used
  10. Y1j_

    Java Kick all laggers above 100 ping.

    It is very simple for a lagger to say this. Play on good internet and you will see it yourself. Maybe for you it is 3 blocks and I believe that, but for non-laggers this can extend to 7 blocks. And I have 10ms
  11. Y1j_

    Java Kick all laggers above 100 ping.

    Today again, I met numerous laggers and ofcourse tried my best, but unfortunately this doesn't always work. At the end of the day I met a lagger called something like zNightmqre_BG. He had a ping of 500, yes you read that well, 500 ping. So, we start the game normally, and then we meet him. I...
  12. Y1j_

    Java Eggwars punch bow

    It's already hard to get the durability to the half of it, I'd say the current durability gets divided by 4.
  13. Y1j_

    Java Eggwars punch bow

    My answer is yes
  14. Y1j_

    Java Remove punchbow eggwars

    That is true, then make the bow more expensive. Like 200 diamonds, I get 25 in one run to the center of the map easily
  15. Y1j_

    Java Remove punchbow eggwars

    I say 200 diamonds then
  16. Y1j_

    Java Remove punchbow eggwars

    Dear cubecrafters, today again... I had to deal with bowspammers. A while ago I already posted the suggestion to remove the punch bow. I got the reaction that 'it's expensive and hard to get'. Most of the times you are busy with 1 team, while the fights between teams go on. There are always...
  17. Y1j_

    Java Halloween custom maps

    Yess :D
  18. Y1j_

    Java Halloween custom maps

    Ohhh ok thx
  19. Y1j_

    Java Halloween custom maps

    Why aren't, there custom maps of halloween? That's like the main thing of the season, I'm disappointed...
  20. Y1j_

    np haha

    np haha
  21. Y1j_

    Java Eggwars time vote

    Maybe he reacted in English on my other poll, think before act ;)
  22. Y1j_

    Java Eggwars bow spam

    Under da sea was an example and I think you know that too. Under da sea is the worst example, it happens in almost every map. There are like 2 maps where it happens less: City and shipwreck and these maps and aren't always there.
  23. Y1j_

    Java Eggwars time vote

    Why are you speaking Spanish when you can speak English
  24. Y1j_

    Java Eggwars bow spam

    Well u just used a argument against urself. Because the punchbow is there, people farm diamonds. You can say what you want but you don't know who is going to farm in a whole game and IF everyone is farming what mostly happens in under da sea. You can't do anything in time. There are then like 7...
  25. Y1j_

    Java Eggwars bow spam

    Eggwars is more like bowwars, with the punch bow litterlly anyone could win. You need almost no experience and tactics to use it and it's way too powerful seen the fact you can fall in the void. My suggestion is to remove it. The power bow is different, you can't shoot someone in the void so...
  26. Y1j_

    Java Eggwars time vote

    I've been thinking about this for a long time now and can't find a reason to not add it. I think it will even improve the eggwars experience.
  27. Y1j_

    Java Edition: Summer Competition

    Chilling on the dank engine. Name: DOOM4
  28. Y1j_

    Java Edition: Summer Competition

    It's time to get a fresh haircut for the summer, name: DOOM4
  29. Y1j_

    Eggwars World Record? [Kills in 1 game]

    I know I am 4 years later but I got a game with 300 kills
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