Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. May Return

    Lets Add Lava Survival?

    I belive I have played a map similar to your idea and sayings. I will see if i can find it
  2. May Return

    Rust In Minecraft?

    Its more then naked people chasing one another. You can make a base, start a clan, go to war against other clans, build a base, and etc. I think its a good idea i don't think you understand the game itself. I think if more people understood what the game was or ever played it they would...
  3. May Return

    Rust In Minecraft?

    I Its been done before they can use the plugin from TheChunk if they were to find it or somehow get it. Or they could create there own plugin by hand and just use an already made map.
  4. May Return

    Rust In Minecraft?

    Why is it not a good idea could you explain?
  5. May Return

    Rust In Minecraft?

    I would not call it a copy really. TheChunk was shut down theres nowhere you can find or play the game in Minecraft anymore. And they can always make a different version of it.
  6. May Return

    Rust In Minecraft?

    Yup i mean that game
  7. May Return

    Rust In Minecraft?

    I think the idea of rust in Minecraft would be cool! If you don't know what rust is its like Minecraft but with better graphics and less stuff to make, similar to factions. I know that cube craft likes stuff that other servers don't have and not many servers have rust. Now if you have ever...
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