Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. Acrontus

    Video [Phids] EZ Eggwars (Episode 29)

    That's fine! PS, what is that texture pack called?
  2. Acrontus

    Video [Phids] EZ Eggwars (Episode 29)

    Nice video fam. Sub to me, I'll sub to you. Just search for "Acrontus MC"
  3. Acrontus

    Video YT Video (Revamped)

    Ok, I subbed!
  4. Acrontus

    Video YT Video (Revamped)

    Hey! A few days ago, my YouTube video was hackusated on, so I was forced to remove it. However, I feel that posting it again will be better for me, so that is what I have done. Haters gonna hackusate. Acrontus
  5. Acrontus

    EggWars Map - UnderTheSea

    I think that it.
  6. Acrontus

    New anti-cheat name

    The CubeCraft AntiCheat is a mythical thing, never seen...........
  7. Acrontus

    Video YouTube Video!

    Damn I wish I saw that while editing. Anyways, Memplex and Lagpixl are actually quite terrible. That's the reason I have to play on CubeCraft.
  8. Acrontus

    Video YouTube Video!

    I wonder if snitches have friends.
  9. Acrontus

    New Game

    Hi! This is pretty cool idea. +1
  10. Acrontus

    Video YouTube Video!

    Hi! I uploaded my first YouTube video, something I've been wanting to do for a loooooong time. I'll paste the link. Hope y'all enjoy it! Acrontus
  11. Acrontus

    Video Video

    Why did you not make your own video? Why did you copy others' videos? -1
  12. Acrontus

    Thank You Cubecraft

    Congrats fam! I will surely sub today itself!
  13. Acrontus


    Damn you weird son.
  14. Acrontus

    Video Eggwars Anti-hack channel: JusticeforEggWars

    Think this is a good idea! There will be material evidence, and the Moderators will have access to it
  15. Acrontus

    New Game Idea : War

    9 That's perfectly fine. I don't mind negative feedback. But, if you could please tell me where I can improve on this idea, it would be very helpful for future suggestions.
  16. Acrontus

    New Game Idea : War

    Yes, it is a metaphor :-D
  17. Acrontus

    Member Spotlight #2: Gainfullterror

    Hey! You did put in a lot of effort and I really like this post! :-D:-D
  18. Acrontus

    Appeal Denied With Evidence

    Hi! There is a chance that your appeal was unfairly denied and you were similarly banned. But that doesn't mean that you should stop trying. Abusing and venting out your anger like that is not going to get you anywhere. You will just get forum-banned or muted. Also, the admins are human after...
  19. Acrontus

    New Game Idea : War

    @Lezappen I agree with your view. I was thinking about this, and so I decided that there should be no change in the armor. You start out with relatively decent armor, and play the hand you are dealt.
  20. Acrontus

    Eggwars Community.

    There's no point in falling prey to them. Just ignore the chat. There will always be someone trying to bring you down. Haters gonna hate, potaters gonna potate.
  21. Acrontus

    Website suggestion! :)

    This is quite a useful idea!
  22. Acrontus

    Warning command

    Damn you lazy people. How long do you think it will take to just report them on the forums bruh?
  23. Acrontus

    New Game Idea : War

    Hi! I have been playing on CubeCraft for quite a while, so I thought that I might suggest an idea that came to me a few days ago. A new game should be made named " War ". The requirements are simple: A large-ish map which has built obstacles, and an outer wall which cannot be crossed That's...
  24. Acrontus


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