Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. slantedsword

    Models EGGWARS weapon idea

    An idea for eggwars could be to have an "ultimate sword" on the overpowered mode. The model could be taken up by something that I made in computer science on my first day. It's a great weapon to have and can make it difficult for the enemy to attack you with the enchantments: sharpness IV, fire...
  2. slantedsword

    Coding Game idea for bedrock

    I had an idea for the bedrock cubecraft server! Why don't we get a game of bedwars inside of it. Obviously bedwars wouldn't work on bedrock edition and we have eggwars but the most popular server on bedrock is mineplex and they have treasure wars and cake wars! I'm running out of space so if...
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