Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. Y1j_

    Java Kick all laggers above 100 ping.

    Today again, I met numerous laggers and ofcourse tried my best, but unfortunately this doesn't always work. At the end of the day I met a lagger called something like zNightmqre_BG. He had a ping of 500, yes you read that well, 500 ping. So, we start the game normally, and then we meet him. I...
  2. Y1j_

    Java Eggwars punch bow

    My answer is yes
  3. Y1j_

    Java Remove punchbow eggwars

    Dear cubecrafters, today again... I had to deal with bowspammers. A while ago I already posted the suggestion to remove the punch bow. I got the reaction that 'it's expensive and hard to get'. Most of the times you are busy with 1 team, while the fights between teams go on. There are always...
  4. Y1j_

    Java Halloween custom maps

    Why aren't, there custom maps of halloween? That's like the main thing of the season, I'm disappointed...
  5. Y1j_

    Java Eggwars bow spam

    Eggwars is more like bowwars, with the punch bow litterlly anyone could win. You need almost no experience and tactics to use it and it's way too powerful seen the fact you can fall in the void. My suggestion is to remove it. The power bow is different, you can't shoot someone in the void so...
  6. Y1j_

    Java Eggwars time vote

    I've been thinking about this for a long time now and can't find a reason to not add it. I think it will even improve the eggwars experience.
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