Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. Minikloon

    Halloween Lobby Pumpkins Ultimate Guide

    Find them yourselves!
  2. Minikloon

    Blockband Extra Info

    Hello. Here are some things which aren't explained in-game but valuable for the more dedicated players. Score multipliers As you hit consecutive notes, you accumulate a score multiplier displayed in the action bar. There are different "stages" of multipliers, each requiring a certain number...
  3. Minikloon

    Blockband Released!!!

    Hello! We worked really hard on pushing Minecraft's boundaries and today I'm pleased to reveal the fruit of our efforts: Blockband. It's the most advanced Minecraft rhythm game out there and is totally featured-packed! The game features a stunning 25 songs across amateur and pro mode! How to...
  4. Minikloon

    Coding Minecraft programming books

    Hello. Recently I've been to Barnes & Noble and I was surprised to find programming books about Minecraft. I browsed through the three of them which were available and would like to offer my opinions and generally bring exposure to these books. Learn to Program with Minecraft Out of the three...
  5. Minikloon


    Hi everyone! We are very excited to announce CubeCraft's latest game : Minerware! It's a classic from The Chunk which has been totally remixed into a brand new and improved game. How to play The game takes place through 16 microgames picked from a pool of 35+. Each microgame you win rewards...
  6. Minikloon

    Coding Resources to learn programming

    Hello. I really think everyone should learn programming. Even only a little, it helps people think rationally and resolve real-life situations efficiently. Here are some resources I recommend to get started. Web https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/wiki/faq This FAQ answers most questions...
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