Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by MrAssassin4hire

  1. MrAssassin4hire

    Other Games Tower Defence needs your suggestions!

    General: Having played back when giants ruled TD i have to agree that they have gotten a lot weaker so perhaps a resistance buff or something to them to give them a little bit more ompf. I highly agree that skele rush needs to be nerfed because unless you have a good team and pray you can stun...
  2. MrAssassin4hire

    I got bored and climbed a Ferris wheel

    Okay after a bit of messing around i got kicked for breaking blocks too fast so i assume this is a no no
  3. MrAssassin4hire

    I got bored and climbed a Ferris wheel

    So I recently picked up minecraft after a long break at early 1.9 days. So after some TD fun i decided to see if an old bug worked and boi it does. Basically if there are 2 blocks ontop of eachoter and nothing above then you can break the top one and jump on the bottom one, it begins to spas you...
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