Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by Chrystophylax

  1. Chrystophylax

    Merchendise ideas

    I chose the agenda because I really need a better looking agenda quick! The one I have now is not really that cool haha:D
  2. Chrystophylax

    Make the TAB list cool!

    Looking at it now, It looks really nice with the color that matches your rank. I'm glad they've changed it!
  3. Chrystophylax


    Good luck on becoming a wrestler :)
  4. Chrystophylax

    Artwork Minecraft render - Riding in the night

    Look really nice, Great job!
  5. Chrystophylax

    The new /level command

    It's a great idea! I also think that they should add /stats for it being easier to get to instead of clicking the diamond then the game etc.
  6. Chrystophylax

    Survival Games

    I like it because there is no other reason I can think of why the roller coaster is there!
  7. Chrystophylax

    A key in my way? Well, can't get past that.

    hahaha, What game is that?
  8. Chrystophylax

    SG 1.8

    I agree.
  9. Chrystophylax


  10. Chrystophylax

    Artwork Skywars render

    What i see: Sundae!!!!!
  11. Chrystophylax

    Video Skywars Kill Compilation

    Looks good!
  12. Chrystophylax


  13. Chrystophylax

    Not sure how to get "Messages" higher :> Can someone help me? :P

    Not sure how to get "Messages" higher :> Can someone help me? :P
  14. Chrystophylax

    Gj man!

    Gj man!
  15. Chrystophylax

    Favorite Game: #######, Chickens in the form of dragons created it..

    Favorite Game: #######, Chickens in the form of dragons created it..
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