Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by 70UNIK

  1. 7

    Do you have a link/file for the skin?

    Do you have a link/file for the skin?
  2. 7

    Games are Lasting Too Long; Many Problems Come With

    Yes, it's also disappointing to not just see tower defense games run slower, especially in Armageddon, but as much as I like double coins, this can be the major cause of a stalemate (tie), because everyone has built up a considerable defense, requiring coordinated maxed-out rushes and potions to...
  3. 7

    You can upgrade people's towers even without a path chosen, vid shows how

    For some towers where people get to choose a path prior to requiring purchase of points (archer, poison), this does work. However, towers where you need to purchase points to unlock an entire path (necromancer, artillery, zeus, sorcerer) this does not work. Like people who have the upgrade path...
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