Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. F

    Bedrock All Networks Guilds / Clans

    I think the ability to create a group/guild/clan would be very nice. potentially a VIP only feature (to create, anyone can join) ideally there should be a clan/guild tag that players would have in their username (displayed in chat and hopefully on leaderboards) there should also be a guild/clan...
  2. Technosword

    Post Removed

    I removed my post, on mobile so no clue how to delete threads. Lock?
  3. 6views_

    Eggwars Clans

    Hey! I am the leader of a mini games clan with about 15 active members. We mainly play eggwars and dominate every single game. We get so bored of playing against other people that we split up and do 3v3s, 4v4s etc. We have people of all abilities and are mostly aged above 16. We're pretty bored...
  4. Elissaios

    A Guild System

    Hello, Last year, I posted a few suggestions that covered a variety of things, but I learnt of the flaws of these things, or that they were currently being developed, such as the party system. I think a guild system would compliment the implementation of this party system well, and I was...
  5. GalacticGamer356

    Clans or Guilds???

    Maybe we can add like a clan that friends can do like free build and have like a little survival community inside the CubeCraft community just for friends.
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