Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. sweetwolfsteve

    Skyblock Skyblock lag

    they need to fix skyblock already this is ridiculous before the update it was fine no bugs no glitches no lag then the stupid update came out and it all went downhill there's so much lag half he time you cant even play the game it crashes so much its ridiculous fix these issues already please
  2. sweetwolfsteve

    Skyblock Skyblock

    Skyblock is still super laggy and glitchy when I go back to the skyblock main hub my character spazs out and spawns me into the ground or into the air or my skyblock shops glitch out thats supposed to be a akyblock shop
  3. sweetwolfsteve

    I’m never coming back ever again.

    Then don't come back cubecraft doesn't need toxic people like you on the servers
  4. sweetwolfsteve

    Skyblock Skyblock

    Ok I thought I was the only one having the issues at least other people are having issues to I don't want to do my Skyblock stuff untill this gets completely fixed
  5. sweetwolfsteve

    Skyblock Skyblock

    is anyone else having issues with their chest being invisible their crops not growing right and the generators being funny thats supposed to be a optimiser
  6. sweetwolfsteve


    my chest are still invisible and my optimiser is glitchy and weird my generates break funny my furnaces won't even open when I try and harvest crops it acts like its trampling them
  7. sweetwolfsteve


    Alright thanks for at least saying something I get that hopefully skyblock works right soon I want to do my daily chores I can't do that without chest 🤣🤣
  8. sweetwolfsteve


    Is skyblock still down I was able to get to my island and none of my chest are there I gave photos and when I went to the skyblock lobby it kicked me back to the main hub that square thing is supposed to be a optimiser
  9. sweetwolfsteve


    Ok thank you and sorry I was frustrated thati couldn't get on right away I wanted to check my island after 2 days of not being able to get on
  10. sweetwolfsteve


    The maintenance is done but no one can join it keeps saying the "Skyblock is full pls try again later "but there's over 400 people playing it they need to fix this it's super frustrating not being able to get back to my island after 2 days of maintenance
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