Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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    Bedrock Java What is your best CubeCraft memories?

    I miss TD on Java fr. It was actually so fun.
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    Bedrock Java What is your best CubeCraft memories?

    Some people are just wild. If they want to beat something, someone will. Haha
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    Bedrock Java What is your best CubeCraft memories?

    Please, share what your best memories from CubeCraft are. Your first win on Eggwars, first kill in Skywars, playing with friends? Making new friends? As someone who has played CubeCraft for some years now it's always interesting (atleast for me) to hear from yall.
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    Do Forum Members Taste Good? (Joke Thread)

    i mean, if you like tacos
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    thanks for your time! good luck in the future 🌮 <3

    thanks for your time! good luck in the future 🌮 <3
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    Bedrock Java make targeting punishable

    Targeting is of course very annoying and frustrating When* it happens, which it rarely does. (For me, anyways.) As someone else also said in another reply, you could be "targeted" simply by having low health or something that makes it strategically good to eliminate you first. So, I have to...
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    What's new in 2022? 🤔

    2022 here we go yeah?
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    people who is attack from beginning just to broke the egg are annoying

    Being fast and rushing people is one of the most popular ways to play Eggwars, so there really is nothing to do about it, although I can see why you think it's annoying. For new players it can be stressful having someone on your island within 30 seconds of the game starting. Eventually though...
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    Other Games What's your preference?

    As someone who does not play Tower Defence very often but wants to start playing it more, I do not know which tower would be the best. Which tower do you prefer? (You're also free to include a path) :)
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    Require all modderlaters to own an air fryer

    I agree with this. Very well said!
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    Java Emerald shop

    Understandable why they increased it from just 12 emerald, but 24 is too much. Somewhere in the middle I belive would of been acceptable.
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    Java Translation Privileges

    Yeah that was what I was thinking, but after seeing everyone's responses and what would make it hard and really unnecessary to implement I now realise it's a weird suggestion. I didn't take all that into account when I wrote it. Thanks for the replies though.
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    Java Translation Privileges

    No, not all translators have the rank.
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    Java Translation Privileges

    /report requires a rank which people might not have.
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    Java Translation Privileges

    Alright, so I have an idea that I have no idea on how it would really work, but here is the idea anyway: We have alot of translators spread over all of the translation team, and many of them tend to play on Cubecraft. My suggestion is something like a command, where if a translator sees someone...
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    happy birthday!!

    happy birthday!!
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    Time to celebrate this years birthday with Tacos of course!

    Time to celebrate this years birthday with Tacos of course!
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    i've played on invaded before but not as tacoconsumer :)
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    No problem :)

    No problem :)
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    Builds The flood!

    Yeah this one is nice. I also like the sheep standing in the boat.
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    Builds Cool shaders + photoshop =

    Alright this is really cool. I like this one!
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    All Networks Game start barrier EGGWARS

    I see where you're coming from, but rushing and being fast is one of the main ways to play Eggwars. There is what I know (on java atleast) a kit which gives you blocks to be able to quickly cover your egg. I really see how you got this suggestions but it changes the game too much in my opinion.
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    Getting healed after a kill

    Nah, I don't agree that it would be a good idea. I can see where you're coming from though!
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    Hey there! My name is TacoConsumer_! (i'm gonna change my name on the forums soon) I'm a pretty normal player with interest in playing basketball when I'm not playing on CubeCraft. I've had my account on the forums for almost 4,5-5 years now I believe and this is one of my first posts haha. I...
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