Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. SuperSuccubus

    Introducing EPIC LOOT! ⚡

    Hello Bedrock CubeCrafters! Today, we're here to share some exciting news and show off our latest cosmetic offer! - Read below for more information. ❓ What is Epic Loot?! With Epic Loot, we want to introduce new variations of existing Loot Types. Myself and the rest of the Content Team love...
  2. SuperSuccubus

    🏗️ Beta Games Subscription + Pillars of Fortune Update!

    Hello Bedrock CubeCrafters, We've updated our Pillars of Fortune gamemode, and introduced a new subscription rank on Bedrock! - Read below to learn more. 🍀 Pillars of Fortune Update! Couple of weeks ago we released a limited time gamemode, Pillars of Fortune. With the success and love for the...
  3. SuperSuccubus

    🌞 Summer Time & Improvements to Games 💪

    Sup CubeCrafters! School is out! Which can only mean one thing, Summer has landed at CubeCraft! That's right, our Summer event is live on our Java & Bedrock networks, bringing new and old Summer game maps, and epic cosmetics, including a new Bedrock bundle! - Read below for more info 🗺️...
  4. SuperSuccubus

    🐖 MinerWare Update - Rank, QoL Changes & Fixes! 🥇

    Hello CubeCrafters! Our constant stream of summer updates isn't finished yet, introducing our much anticipated MinerWare Update for Bedrock! This update focuses heavily on the new MinerWare rank as well as some quality of life changes, we tried to use Bedrock's features to the limit with models...
  5. SuperSuccubus

    👑 VIP Levels Update - 25 New Levels, Profile Images, 100 New Loot Items! ✨

    Hello CubeCrafters! We are very proud to present the long-awaited update to our VIP Levels system, after many suggestions & ideas we have been working hard to deliver an update that will meet the expectations of the community and we're finally here to present it to you today. So let's take a...
  6. SuperSuccubus

    🎮📱 New UI: Updated Menu Design & Beta!

    Hey CubeCrafters! Today, we've released one of our largest updates to Bedrock! - Most of our menus have been updated to be custom, with detailed renders, revamped icons, and a huge amount of customisation for the future, including in EggWars! Read more to find out what we've changed! What...
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