Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by Neonity

  1. Neonity

    Hola :D xd

    Bienvenido a los foros Yarbiz :D
  2. Neonity

    🎉 EggWars Update + 11th Birthday!

    Developers did a really good job, thanks :D
  3. Neonity

    All Networks 💌 CubeCraft Community Update!

    I find it to be a very good idea, and I believe it has a lot of potential. However, I think I speak not only for myself but for many other players when I express the hope that the team in charge of this should be composed of individuals who truly understand what they are dealing with, especially...
  4. Neonity


    Las capas ya eran visibles en cubecraft pero hace unas cuantas semanas las quitaron ya que algunas personas utilizaban capas inapropiadas. Todavía no se sabe nada del regreso de las capas a cubecraft pero si en algún futuro vuelvan solo serán las que estan en el Character Creator (incluyendo tu...
  5. Neonity

    Solicitud del rango YouTuber

    ¡Hola Luis! Quiero informarte que las solicitudes para el rango de YouTuber se realizan a través de este enlace: Partner Application. Si ya has enviado tu solicitud y aún no has recibido respuesta, es posible que aún estén revisándola o no la hayan aceptado. Mi consejo es que evites enviar...
  6. Neonity


    Happy Birthday mate :)
  7. Neonity


    Holaa bienvenido a los foros de CubeCraft :) Espero que tengas una agradable estancia mientras conoces a personas con gustos similares. Me gustaría darte un consejo para mejorar tu experiencia, considera escribir en inglés para que más personas puedan interactuar contigo, ya que la mayoría aquí...
  8. Neonity

    New mouse

    I don't think you can reach 17 cps with jitterclick since it's humanly impossible. The only methods that come to mind if you need to reach this cps would be using butterfly click or drag click (both involving double-clicking). Although, in my personal opinion, I don't see the need to reach such...
  9. Neonity

    Hello change my name back on discord thank you 🙂

    Hello change my name back on discord thank you 🙂
  10. Neonity

    Bedrock Server

    My first server that I joined was in early 2018 on one called InPvP, although I didn't main it for very long. I started playing on Lifeboat for a few months until Hive came out for Bedrock on Christmas 2018. From there, I played for about 3 years until I switched to CubeCraft like 2 years ago.
  11. Neonity

    Hola amigos

    Hello cubecraft comunity! Lately, I've been somewhat active on the forums. I created my account about a year ago but mostly to know what people shared and kept myself informed. I'd like to be more involved in the community, so I'm introducing myself. I'm an 18-year-old Spanish guy who enjoys...
  12. Neonity

    Skyblock Someone joined the game

    Sometimes the Minecraft chat takes a bit of time to appear; it's a bug that tends to happen, though it's rare. That might be what happened to you. It's not that someone joined your Skyblock world, it's just that they may have written a message that took some time to show up on your screen :)
  13. Neonity

    Will eggwars get good

    They are currently working on EggWars Season 3, and they have already mentioned that it will be a kind of mix between EggWars Season 1 and 2. Apparently, it will be released around xmas :) Its already at the comunity board: Public Update Board
  14. Neonity

    Bedrock EggWars Season 3: Change these shop items and prices

    I pretty much agree with the prices; the only change I would make is to increase the price of weapons a bit since they are quite unbalanced compared to armor (especially the netherite sword). Other than that, it seems correct. We will have to see the damage each one does ingame and how the food...
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